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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Governor Gun Abbott refused to expand Medicaid in his state, which could have provided mental healthcare access to hundreds-of-thousands of Texans. Gun Abbott's state is dead last in access to mental healthcare.
  2. I watch AEW (pro wrestling) and Jungle Boy uses this as his theme. Super catchy!
  3. Get the fuck outta here, Tommy!
  4. At very least, Beto is going down giving it everything he has.
  5. So the party of limited government and mistrust of government now wants the federal government to setup an entire department to domestically spy on kids and young men? I have big problems with what the Bush/Obama NSA were doing and don't want to expand that. How about we try gun safety reforms, mental healthcare, and wrapped around/social support services first. Maybe try expanding Medicaid in Georgia to increase access to mental healthcare.
  6. Beto ranted on this yesterday when he was shouting at Governor Gun Abbott, but . . . KVUE ABC Local News: New report ranks Texas last in access to mental health care
  7. I saw a Facebook comment yesterday of someone calling it a false flag event.
  8. NPR: Guns are banned during Trump's upcoming speech at the NRA conference You can't make this shit up! Why would guns be banned from an NRA event if they make us safer?
  9. Just a note, this is from 2017, but the party of "We need to address mental health" after every mass shooting . . . Kentucky Courier-Journal: Stunning advocates, Gov. Matt Bevin vetoes mental health law
  10. All those conservative Hispanic/Latino decent voters in west and southern Texas should look at that speech by Beto and then look at the guy they are about to vote for and ask themselves what type of America and what type of Texas they want to live in.
  11. It's really a shame Beto is going to lose by 8-10% points because he'd be a really strong leader as Governor. This is the kind of anger and fervor Democrats need to campaign on when it comes to guns, book bands, rigging the election, overthrowing democracy, abortion rights, healthcare, money in politics, corporate welfare, etc.
  12. That's Sir Matthew Hale.
  13. You draw the line when the majority opinion is what governs this country and we end tyranny of the minority. So that means you draw the line when the overall structure of government and how we elect people is sufficiently in place to represent that majority. The Senate needs to be abolished or reformatted as G2 said where you have a singular, 10 year term for Senators. It is not a deliberative body of government as the Founders intended, it has become, thanks to rules like the filibuster and reconciliation, an obstructionist body of government. Adding seats to DC and Puerto Rico would potentially help balance the Senate back out as a short term fix. Abolishing the Senate though would be the best measure long term. Unicameral legislative government operates just fine and there is no need to have a second body of government deliberating the same thing. Having a larger House of Representatives would be suffice IMO. Other things that need to be done to ensure the majority of people get to govern include ending the Electoral College and ending all types of partisan gerrymandering. Districts should be drawn by equitable standards across the country and politicians should never get to pick their voters. The district packing that occurs to voters and under or overrepresentation of a certain political party or ideology within a district needs to stop. We need districts that are fair and reflective of how a state votes overall. So If Michigan votes 53%-47% Dem to Rep then roughly 53% of those seats should be Dem represented or lean-Dem electorally. Same goes for Texas or any red state. Until these measures are in place, we need a Supreme Court capable of ensuring that tyranny of the minority opinion, as we have now with the Senate and Electoral College, are limited and the structural, anti-democratic imbalances and legal imperfections are changed.
  14. A Professor of mine from Wayne State University, Dr. Majorie Sarbaugh-Thompson wrote an entire book on MI term limits. They have indeed been a disaster. They have put lobbying efforts on hyperdrive in Michigan and dramatically reduced legislator effectiveness by limiting institutional knowledge.
  15. But then we're stuck unnecessarily with decades of minority rule until those Justices age out. Why should people suffer needlessly at the hands of minority rule for decades when we can just add Justices and work to fix the solution?
  16. Amnesty: Gun Control Works Facts and Research Great research and hard data showing that gun safety reforms/gun control does actually work.
  17. Rules change all the time. Like when Mitch McConnell refused to take up the nomination of Merrick Garland for a vote on the Supreme Court. The balance of the court and number of Justices on it has changed in the past too. Andrew Jackson added two Justices in 1837. FDR attempted to add up to 6 new Justices. There is no fundamental flaw in changing the balance of the court so it represents the opinion of the majority in this country. Tyranny of the minority opinion, as we have on issues like abortion, corporations as people, money in politics, gun safety reforms, is far more dangerous for our current situation than allowing the majority of this country to govern.
  18. Can you imagine if Al Gore had been President on 9/11 how the Republicans would have responded. That's the kind of response we need from the Democrats on gun violence and mass shootings in America.
  19. Don't worry, someone will surly salute their flag draped coffins at their funeral.
  20. My favorite part is the same people who have thin blue line flags at their house and stickers on the back of their cars/trucks would apparently start shooting law enforcement officials were they tyrannical in their minds.
  21. Yes, but won't you need body armor to defend yourself against a tyrannical government?
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