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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Uvlade Texas is a rural community of 15,214 and it's over an hour away from San Antonio Texas. Thankfully Republicans care about rural America.
  2. Wasn't there an armed guard at the supermarket in Buffalo?
  3. Democrats need to go on a full frontal attack against Republicans and their radical view on guns. We need the kind of gory, graphic TV and social media/digital ads Republicans would run if 9/11 happened on Al Gores watch. Bodies of kids and grocery shoppers piling up. Democrats need to hammer this point home at every single campaign stop that Republicans don't care about your children or your personal safety when you're out doing everyday things like grocery shopping, going to the movies, at the mall, going to the beach, etc. They need to explain that the United States has more guns than any developed country on Earth and that it still hasn't made us safer. Savage the Republicans and put them on defense on this for once.
  4. Democrats have to expand the Supreme Court and add term limits if by some miracle they hold the House and add two Senate seats. 1. End the filibuster 2. Expand the Supreme Court with 4 seats 3. Pass the Freedom to Vote Act 4. Make DC a state and add two Senators These are the four biggest things that must happen if Dems retain power and add Senate seats to get around the two lite beer Republicans in Manchin and Sinema.
  5. When you have a banquet, invite the poor, and make sure to show them how awesome your new Ferrari is. Here's televangelist huckster Pastor Ed Young bragging about his new Ferrari and how God has made you a Ferrari.
  6. That's the thing, when you go back and watch CNN Crossfire clips and clips of his old MSNBC show, he was not nationalistic like this. The current iteration of Tucker Carlson may well be a gimmick the same as Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ric Flair, and The Undertaker, but gimmick or not, it is a very damaging gimmick if it is.
  7. Crime statistics possibly https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2017/09/26/fbi-crime-statistics-detroit-police-chief-james-craig/701889001/
  8. I'm one to throw SOL around as much as any fan. However, if the smart off-season plan Brad Holmes has put together with good drafting and smart use of cap space is any indicator of future success, I don't think long term the cycle of SOL will continue with Holmes . . . IF (BIG IF) he gets the QB situation right and Campbell is the right guy for the job, I think Holmes has built a good enough roster to break the SOL cycle.
  9. May I just point out for a moment about the irony of the fact that now a week later, there still hasn't been a winner declared in the PA Senate Republican Senate Primary. Remember when all the Republicans, including Trump, were screaming and hollering in 2020 about election fraud and votes being counted after the initial night of the election. Trump even called it "totally inappropriate" in a speech given to reporters on the White House lawn. Now, Dr. Oz may win in a totally inappropriate fashion. If this isn't ironic and hypocritical than nothing is anymore.
  10. If you're Ukraine/the west, do you have many means or capability to remove him from power? Can you pay an oligarch and some top military people on the DL to do that? How do we remove him from power without a full-scale nuclear war happening? It seems like the only realistically safe and effective model for doing so comes from within his own apparatchik/military/oligarchs.
  11. Newsweek: Kandiss Taylor Warns 'Death by Firing Squad' to Corrupt Officials at Rally Thankfully the Republican Party hasn't gone as extreme as the Democrats wanting equal rights for transgendered persons, teaching an accurate portrayal of history to kids in school, letting Teachers set curriculum instead of parents, or allowing women to have bodily autonomy.
  12. Make Jesus Kind Again!
  13. I see Tucker on occasion. My dad has him on anytime I go over to eat dinner with him. I also tune in from time to time to catch what the MAGA crowd is going to be screaming about this month. I think he definitely is an ethnonationalist and borders on white supremacy. Sure, he has black and African American conservative guests and contributors on, but I sense that is largely tokenism. The non-white guests he does put on are likely there to make him seem not racist, as if the MAGA movement really cares about equity. He likely has little investment in seeing true racial, ethnic, or gender equality or equity.
  14. https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-military-intelligence-chief-optimistic-of-russian-defeat-saying-war-will-be-over-by-end-of-year-12612320 I was watching an interview that SkyNews in the UK aired with Ukrainian Major General Kyrylo Budanov. Gen. Budanov was saying that he believed the war would be largely over by years end. To those that fallow the granular details closer than I do, like Romad, is this an accurate assessment? Can the Ukrainians hold out until years end? Can the Russians even sustain a full on assault until the end of the year?
  15. Maybe after William F. Buckley. Althought I think William F. Buckley would roll in his grave and be a never-Trumper. I don't see Buckley wearing a MAGA hat.
  16. From the WaPo article that Fife posted . . . Nepotism vial EMAIL no less. The same nepotism that Carlson is always crowing on about on his nightly show.
  18. Which is why you can't have a sociopath or a pathological liar for a President or in any type of executive leadership role. Beyond the problem with the lies themselves, of which there are many, it leads to poor and incorrect decision making.
  19. WaPo: Christians are more than twice as likely to blame a person’s poverty on lack of effort No Surprise, the same people who are allegedly, stridently pro life and also hold strident beliefs that being poor is less circumstantial and more based on your own lack of work ethic and laziness. Fox New Jesus sure must be proud.
  20. I don't think Trump knows he's lying. I think he is so delusional, stupid, and lost in his own woods that he can't discern fact from fiction or identify and understand legal procedure or electoral processes. What's in his mind must be true because he thought it or said it. I think the average elected Republican who trots out behind him, shoveling the horse shit in the Trump parade understands counting ballots after election night or counting mail in ballots separate from election day votes is harmless and routine, but they're too afraid to say anything about it. The irony that Trumped-endorsed candidate Dr. Oz will win the PA Republican Senate Primary because of votes counted after election day and possibly due to mail-in absentee votes is just too good.
  21. This woman herself HAD AN ABORTION!!!
  22. WaPo: Trump: Counting ballots after election night ‘totally inappropriate’ Counting ballots the next day after an election night was something we were told was "totally inappropriate" and that counting after election night is "not by our laws". We were told that counting ballots should end on election night and that doing so was voter fraud. Now I see in the PA Senate Republican Primary that they are still counting ballots the next day and Trump's endorsed candidate Dr. Oz might win as a result of that. So is that voter fraud? Should McCormick be made the winner instead?
  23. I had no sympathy on this one. This is coming from an organization whose player, Egnevi Malkin, violated the Instigator Rule by swinging his stick at Henrik Zetterberg's head and starting a fight in the final two minutes of a game in the 2009 SCF. So suck it Pens!
  24. Detroit Free Press: Records: Oxford school shooting suspect hoped massacre would get Biden impeached The fundamentalists on the right are now raising fundamentalist kids who are being radicalized and shooting up schools in the hopes of having Joe Biden impeached.
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