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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. The blue collar, progressive John Fetterman with a big win tonight over the centrist Connor Lamb. We'll see if his working class, progressive, no bull shit style flies on the general election in Pennsylvania.
  2. It's also a heck of a lot easier to run away from someone with a knife or blunt object than it is to try and evade someone with a gun, so those who wanted to escape could have done so easier. I always imagine in massive, chaotic situations like this, that if you had everyone or significantly more people armed, as the gun fanatics on the right want, you'd turn situations like this into a shootout and you might not be able to identify who the real shooter is.
  3. I think the Bears should have shopped Fields for draft capital this offseason. If they could have gotten 2-3 1st round picks for him, that would be a deal worth at least considering. That roster is the oldest in then NFL and they are 2-4 years away from being any good, even with a GM whose competent and makes the right moves. They have limited draft capital for the future and by the time they get to be respectable they will have wasted almost all of Fields rookie contract.
  4. To any of you trotting out the good guy with a gun saving people theory, please find me some statistics to show me that more crimes are prevented by good guys with guns than committed by bad guys with guns.
  5. Would any of the top 5-7 prospects in this years draft have been in the top 5-7 of last years class?
  6. I think the Jets are going to be better than the second from the bottom team in the league. They have added a lot of talent over the past two seasons and as long as Wilson shows real growth and isn't a dud and Saleh can coach, I think they will make improvements and be better than second from the bottom.
  7. I love how the people bitching about critical race theory and telling us racism is a thing of the past are also the same people saying gun control is a problem and wouldn't do anything. Y'all are literally wrong on every single account and can't even find your way out of s bag when it comes to what you're supposed to be most upset about.
  8. They moved on from Dan Bylsma after winning a Cup and making another, so I could see it.
  9. The dude who created that Elise Stefanki website also did one for Gym Jordan and it's tragically hilarious. It's too bad it had to happen on account of Jordan covering up child molestation. Remember how Democrats are always the child molesters though. https://www.gymjordan2022.com/
  10. This guy is a prime reason I call these people Christian fundamentalist. This is the America they want. Not mass shootings persay, but unlimited access to guns and weapons, no matter your mental state of mind.
  11. I always revert to Australia when tragedies like these two mass shootings happen because they had incredible success reducing mass shootings with their buyback program.
  12. I wonder if Jerry Jeudy gets released.
  13. It's tragic, sad, and funny all at the same time that a black woman would be commenting on how they are disturbed that they have to ride on a mode of transit with someone else who isn't exactly like them. Can you imagine if Rosa Parks boycotting the Montgomery transit system a second time because a lesbian woman came and sat down beside her?
  14. Several of us here have said 7-8 wins. For me, I think if we have a schedule that lends itself to winning at least 5-6 games and then if Goff plays like he did in the second half of the season, we can pick up another 2-4 wins there. The weak schedule we have though will be our biggest benefactor though. If that's optimistic, what is realistic in your mind? 4-6 wins?
  15. I think they could win as many as 8 games this year if Goff plays like he did the second half of the seasons, the defense takes a step forward and no major injuries occur. Having Hutch on the defense is itself a gigantic upgrade for the entirety of the defense because they'll finally be able to generate pressure on the QB and stop the run. That should by default make the back 7 better, even if there wasn't a major talent upgrade there. Wins Vs. Washington Vs. Seattle at CHI at New York Giants VS. Jacksonville vs Minnesota At Carolina Vs. Chicago Losses Vs. Philadelphia at Minnesota at New England at Dallas vs. Miami vs Green Bay Vs. Buffalo At New York Jets AT Green Bay
  16. I suspect this years game against the Eagles will be a lot more competitive than Dan Campbell's first encounter with them last season.
  17. Las Cruces New Mexico Police Officer Shoots and Kills 75 Year Old Woman With Dementia I listened to the 911 recording and her daughter tells the dispatcher her mother is being aggressive and that she has dementia. She also says she may or may not have gotten a weapon from the kitchen. In the bodycam footage you can clearly see that the 75 year old women is holding a rather large kitchen knife. I know that a knife can be a deadly weapon, but after watching the bodycam footage that was released and given that she is a 75 year old woman, I have a hard time believing that someone couldn't have disarmed this demented woman in some other way. A taser, walking up from behind her, a baton strike. She cannot possibly be stronger than the Officer/s who confronted her.
  18. I think any hope of a post Roe being struck down bounce for Democrats is beginning to look bleak if polling is any indicator. Republicans are up +7 in generic congressional ballot from both CNN and Monmouth polls taken during or after the Roe news cycle hit. I think people care about gas prices and inflation and Democrats are going to pay the price. It won't matter how crazy the Republicans are nor if abortion is banned in America. As James Carville said: "It's the economy stupid!"
  19. So change votes to fit what you want? The Justice Department better be gearing up to prosecute and holds these fascists accountable.
  20. Why don't former Lions players ever end up as analysts? 😄
  21. Is New Jersey the new Edmonton with always getting the 1st or 2nd pick?
  22. Probably, but I'd like to think we can have a shot at nominating someone younger.
  23. Fetterman campaigns in sweats and a hoodie. Love this guy. https://www.facebook.com/JohnFettermanPA/videos/937954350234305
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