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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad
I thought at first that the Saints were trying to trade up for Willis, but I don't know that two picks will be enough to get into the Top 5 if that's what's needed to draft Willis.
We do need a big bodied, outside guy more than a guy like Robinson. Which is why I hope our pick at #32 or #34 addresses that need. But if Robinson is there in the late 3rd with our comp pick, I'd consider using it on him.
He was a YAC monster at Kentucky. In the right offensive system I think he could be that same type of player. A Wide Receiver version of a Darren Sproles or a smaller Deebo Samuel.
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hungarians-vote-orbans-12-year-rule-tight-ballot-overshadowed-by-ukraine-war-2022-04-03/ Looks like resident Hungarian fascist Viktor Orban is set to win again in Hungary. That's scary and depressing.
Deeboo Samuel is a #1 guy and that's who Robinson compares closest too imo. I think Robinson is too small and not quite polished or well rounded enough overall to be a #1, but he could be a firecracker of a #2 (or #3 on a loaded roster) guy.
Brad Holmes seems the master of mining for late round Wide Receivers and so I hope the Lions take a serious look at Wan'Dale Robinson, WR out of Kentucky. WHO? His RAS is nothing special outside of his fantastic speed, but his highlight tapes are great, the guy is shifty and elusive as hell and he catches everything thrown his way. He'd be another St. Brown type of WR, but if we can get a guy like him at the end of the 3rd or 4th I'd consider it.
When bread, eggs, meat, milk, and gas cost more the average voter won't care what Walker lied about. It's sad, but it's the truth. If they don't care about democracy and what happened on January 6th, why would they care that Herschel lied? They won't.
Love this scene. Describes the modern right perfectly. The difference is, in real life, Caroll O'Connor was a left winger.
Edit, wrong thread
The difference with Reagan and Biden is Reagan had an actual medical diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Biden thus far does not. Archie and others on the right want to pretend that an old man, slowing down, equates to it being an actual medical condition. They back it up with no medical evidence though. If that's what they want to reduce politics down to, then that's sad. I guess I can stop debating the issues and just call out Trump for the fat slob that he is. I'll start talking about heart disease and diabetes in every post about Trump I guess since that's what Archie wants to reduce politics down to.
Let's go point by point here. Sorry for the lack of APA citations, but we're on a message board. Point #1: Joe Biden has dementia. You pretend to be Dr. Archie over here. You likely have no medical degree do you? If you don't you could at least back up your dementia claim with actual doctors or brain-health experts stating so. But you can't because there are no experts saying it. But what you do is watch TV and diagnose everything about Biden because you somehow think you got a medical degree from reading Brietbart or watching Fox or listening to a a right wing talking head. Yet you through all of that, you still can't back up your claim that Biden has dementia with any medical evidence or opinion from trusted medical professionals. Point #2: Joe Biden and Democratic policies caused worldwide inflation. You don't even bother to site sources on these claims that Biden caused higher gas prices or inflation, yet again, so I'll site some for you to the contrary. Inflation, according to most well reasoned and researched economists, was largely caused by the economy starting back up all at once and the supply chain backlogs that were ultimately created as a result. (Source #1: Brookings Institute , Source #2: PBS News Hour) Other factors at play include corporate price gouging and the rapid increase in wages, though there is a lot of debate around wages and inflation. (Source #1 addressing corporate pricing: Vox, Source #2 addressing corporate pricing: Economic Policy Institute, Source #3 addressing wages and inflation: Brookings Institute) The issue around wages is a debated one with some economists believing wage growth may be fueling inflation and others seeing wages as not having kept paced with inflation thus driving down real, nominal wage growth. We had an entire economy shutdown for over a year, which wasn't Trump's fault, due to Covid and the pandemic. Consumer demand fell during the height of the Covid pandemic (Source: Brookings Institute) and people's spending habits changed. Then, starting in early 2021, the economy began to reopen, people went back to work, and unemployment dipped. A large part of this was things just starting to normalize, including consumer spending habits. Thanks, in part, to Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan (Source #1: Wall Street Journal, Source #2: Center for American Progress), the economy starting getting back on track and unemployment started leveling off. As apart of this economic reopening, consumer spending rose sharply and production couldn't keep up with business and consumer demand (Source: Harvard Business Review) due to supply chains and manufacturing being either idled or greatly slowed down during 2020 and very early 2021. According to economists at the Economic Policy Institute and elsewhere, but I am citing EPI here, Joe Biden and the Democrats American Rescue Plan did not cause inflation. (Source: Economic Policy Institute) As well, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States put out data that showcases the American Rescue Plan only pushed inflation up by .03%. (Source: San Francisco Federal Reserve) So this idea that Economist Larry Summers, and other right wing talking heads, including you, have pushed that Biden and the Democrats ARP stimulus pushed inflation up big time is incorrect. Their incorrect narrative ignores several key factors. One, the Feds own analysis of what is causing inflation. Again, the Feds Economists said that the ARP stimulus plan only pushed inflation up by .03% as I cited above. It also ignores the fact that inflation is up all over the world. (Source: Pew Research) This chart from Pew Research does a good job outlining this. As you see from the chart Brazil and Turkey, both with right-wing leaders, have higher inflation than the United States. But why does Pew Research data showcase the US with such high inflation, because we have the world's largest economy and are the world's largest consumer. The World Bank also outlines the global price increases and inflation being felt across the world. (Source: The World Bank) Do you blame Boris Johnson for higher inflation in the UK? How about blaming Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus or Viktor Orban of Hungary or anyone of Trump's other right wing, autocratic heroes for higher inflation? (Source #1: on inflation in Hungary ING Financial, Source #2: on inflation in Belarus World Bank) The other thing that Summers, the right wing walking heads, you all ignore is the fact that President Trump wanted to do a $2,000 stimulus check instead of the $1,400 stimulus that came out of Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan. (Source: Vox) So if Biden's $1,400 stimulus checks as apart of the American Rescue Plan caused all this inflation, which according to you without citation it did, can you imagine what kind of inflation Trump's $2,000 stimulus checks would have caused? Point #3: Joe Biden and Democratic policies caused rising gas prices. Now, let's get onto the debate about gas prices and the fact that you believe Biden caused higher gas prices. As you can see from the Kiplinger economic data I'm citing, gas prices are way up around the world. (Source: Kiplinger) So other countries, besides the US are experiencing pain at the pump with higher gas prices. But wait, what about the Keystone XL pipeline, surely gas prices would be lower if Biden had not acted to shutdown the Keystone XL pipeline, right? Wrong again! According to data from the Associated Press, shutting down Keystone XL was not the cause of higher gas prices here at home. (Source#1 : Associated Press, Source #2: Forbes) Most of the Keystone XL oil comes from Canada and goes overseas as it is. Additionally, blaming Keystone XL shutdown negates the fact that it is not an oil refinery and merely just a pipeline that transports oil. In-fact, there is some data from a Consumer Watchdog Report, that showcases the Keystone XL pipeline may have caused some price increases in parts of the country. (Source: Consumer Watchdog) Furthermore, this argument neglects to inform you that the Biden Administration approved more permits for oil and gas drilling on federal lands than the Trump Administration did. The Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658. (Source #1: Center for Biological Diversity, Source #2: Washington Post) How could it be that oil and gas drilling permits are up under Biden, but he caused higher gas prices? You don't site sources because you don't have any to back up your claims. If you care to have a factual, well-reasoned debate with me or anyone else here, without the name calling and baseless claims, we'd all love to have it. Balls in your court on this one. Don't dribble it out of bounds or call time out when you have none left, though you probably will. But surprise us all for once and debate with well reasoned, factual, cited arguments.
Sad to see Al Sobotka got fired today. I wonder why.
Says the guy who sits there as Dr. Archie and calls Joe Biden demented frequently here. You sit here with your Sleepy Joe bullshit and provide no evidence of him actually having a diagnosis of dementia. I can provide you with Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's diagnosis. You frequently use cheap right wing talking points and name call political leaders and others. In fact, you provide little to no evidence to the contrary of anything you ever talk about. No sourcing, research, no well studied or reasoned analysis. Were you in a college course and turned in a paper with the way you operate here, your grade would be a big, fat F! Why would it be an F you ask? When you name call, make conjecture and state baseless claims, as you frequently do, with no credible citation, sourcing or research to validate what you are talking about, you get graded down. When you turn in a research paper full of opinion with a blank bibliography page you can't expect much more than an F. And in the event you are posting actual data, research or information it's frequently wrong or it's right wing conjecture disguised as "research" and "information". You dog out Joe Biden and others with nicknames here frequently and then get upset when it gets spun back at you. Sure, me, Fife, Chas, 84 Lives, we've all trashed Trump and other Republicans with nicknames. From Drumpf to Slump, many of us have come up with nicknames for Trump and other Republicans. But when it comes down to brass tax, when it comes down to backing up opinions with credible research and information, accurate citations for certain opinions we have, we do that too. You just download the Republican talking points and regurgitate them here over and over without citation and research. Biden has dementia, Democrats and communists, whatever the talking point of the day is.
It depends on what Ziggy you get. If you draft Thibs or Walker and they are contributing like 2015 Ziggy and averaging 15 sacks and 35 tackles a season I'm taking that all day, everyday.
Frankly, what I am judging Holmes and the front office on thus far are coaching hires, scouting, drafting, and cap management. I want to know they made the right coaching hires from Campbell on down, can draft quality players, and manage their salary cap responsibly. Until we get into an offseason where this team is ready to spend big and win now, I'll reserve most of my free agency judgements. I'm glad they aren't trying to act like Trent Baalke and Jacksonville and go for broke in free agency. Holmes has been smart and measured thus far through two free agency periods. While I would have liked a bigger move than DJ Chark, like a Marcus Williams or De'Vondre Campbell signing, I'm not going to judge Holmes full on free agency just yet.
I forgot the Sewell angle and that they played together. I would have to imagine they've talked to Sewell about what type of teammate he was and the attitude he had on and off the field.
Says the party who invaded Iraq and removed Saddam from power. Nice to see the GOP stand so fiercely against regime change.
Over on Pride of Detroit one of the commentators posted the pass rushing stats on Hutch, Thibs, and Walker. Yikes, I knew Walker wasn't as productive as Hutch and Thibs, bit he was way behind on win rate and overall pass rush grade from the other too. As someone I believe referenced here earlier, he might be another Mike Mamula. I'm not all out on Walker by any means, but I think this showcases the clear difference there is between he and Hutch/Thibs. Pass rush win rate: Hutchinson - 25.4% Thibedeaux - 23.5% Walker - 10.8% Pass Rushing Grade: Hutchinson - 93.3 Thibedeaux - 91.5 Walker - 65.8 Percentage of the time lined up outside the OT: Hutchinson - 97% Thibedeaux - 93% Walker - 63%
2024 NFL Draft is coming to Detroit
Mr.TaterSalad replied to Motor City Sonics's topic in Detroit Lions
I'm excited for the draft to come here and for Detroit to be able to showcase what growth it has had since we hosted the Super Bowl. I'm also excited as a fan just to be able to go to the draft. That said, if this team is still in a position that we're drafting in the top 5 after the 2024 NFL season I'll be there in my fire Campbell/fire Holmes t-shirt. It would be inexcusable and indefensible for a regime to be 4 years in and still drafting in the top 5. By 2024 and going into 2025 we should be a playoff team and have a bottom 12 pick. -
We have a loaded roster this year. We've been favored to win it all most of the season and we're in a position to do it now. Win won for Red!
College Hockey: Goal overturned AFTER trophy ceremony.
Mr.TaterSalad replied to RedRamage's topic in College Sports
Michigan is in the Frozen Four with a loaded roster. Really excited to see if they can win the National Championship. -
I was really disappointed to see all USFL games will be played out of one stadium in Birmingham, AL. I was hoping to go to the Panthers home opener, but sadly there won't be one this year.
This is awesome, things are looking up for Detroit. We better have a 1st round pick for 2024.
HELL YES!!! Can't wait for this!
Whatever happened to the whole conservative doctrine of "peace through strength"?