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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Midterm ads write themselves now. I know the average voter couldn't find Ukraine on a map and knows very little about what's going on, but it is our job to make them understand the gravity of the situation. Show clips of Ukraine being invaded, the destruction the war has caused on people over there, and then Trump talking about Putin being a genius as a voiceover while the destruction is showing and then "insert House Republican race here" to close out the ad.
  2. As you said, it seems to me to be a move based out of desperation and weakness, not a hand of strength. If you don't stop resisting I'm going to have to use nuclear weapons. So what, you're going to use nuclear weapons on the vary nation you believe is apart of Russia, with people whom you believe are Russian, and that you believe should be brought under the fold of Russia? I'm naive and ignorant on this outside of the media coverage, twitter feed, and pictures/videos I digest. But I would have to think if he really was wagging the nuclear dog seriously and approached the point of hitting the button, one of his own or many of them would remove him from power at that point.
  3. God bless Ukraine! That got me tearing up for sure. It was so powerful. Nice job SNL.
  4. This fucking clip needs to be on EVERY DEMOCRATIC TV AD in 2022. Ok, not every ad, but you get the point, this is who the GOP is now and America needs to wake the fuck up and realize it.
  5. So if Trump was President he says this wouldn't have happened but now mocks sanctions and says what, we should have US and NATO troops fighting in there? The very NATO he tried pulling funding and resources from? Donald Trump is Homer Simpson with a better job and more racism. At least Homer would rent out an apartment to Carl if he owned one. It's like that scene where the house is burning down around Homer and he's parading around going "I am so smart! I am so smart! SMRT!"
  6. When your name is on the black book in Russia, what else can you say?
  7. It would be nice to think if they really get squeezed that financially that they say fuck it and attempt to make a move after Putin. Again a military dictatorship or an oligarchic/military hybrid dictatorship would be little better, but at least it would presumably end the war and hopefully any following occupation.
  8. I'm dreaming when I say this, but imagine if they got so fed up they did a coup and removed him from power. Having a military dictatorship or one of Putin's underlings take over isn't perfect, but if it ended the war, that's a plus.
  9. This, combined with the actions taken to kick them out of the SWIFT banking system could do some real damage. Unlike other sanctions presently being inflicted, these seem like tangible actions that might inflict real pain to Putin and the overall Russian economy.
  10. Isn't there an election this year? Can't nominate a Justice during an election year right? Seriously, I was nervous Biden would pick Michele Childs, who has a more concerning background on labor rights issues. I am very excited to see he picked Judge Brown Jackson instead. She seems like a terrific nomination to the Supreme Court. Also cool that the Repubs are forced to watch a black woman get nominated and go through with nothing they can do about it. She'll be a strong advocate for LGBTQIA rights and the marginalized, which you'd think Lindsey Graham would like.
  11. I clicked, so it worked.
  12. Far be it from me to criticize another person's take on the draft. I wanted Connor Cook in the 3rd round and thought he'd be a serviceable NFL starter. But the guy at Walter Football has us passing on Hutchison and taking Drake London with the #2 pick overall. I think this board, this fan base, the radio crowd, beat writers, everyone would explode if they passed on an Edge Rusher/DE for Drake London at #2.
  13. What are the odds this sinks the Russian economy into a full-scale depression long-term because they overextend themselves and the Ruble crashes completely?
  14. Wouldn't they be trying to assassinate whoever gets installed?
  15. That seems encouraging. For a country that does not support free press or journalism, some of it's own journalists are taking the risk and standing up against this immoral war.
  16. I was reading this interview that NPR did with Yuriy Sergeyev and he basically stated that he felt Putin was manic and mentally ill. Is that essentially what we're dealing with here? A person who suffers from delusions and a brain health issue operating as a head of state in Russia?
  17. That was a Drew & Mike drop was it not on Karen Drew of Channel 4?
  18. Huel Perkins is retiring at Fox 2 along with Monica Gayle. I'll always remember and laugh at the time Huel Perkins read the Kwame Kilpatrick/Christine Beatty text message on the air. Huel's HELL YEAH! is an all time classic news read.
  19. I always shout out I PARK FOR FREE when listening to the masterpiece that is Loading Zones by Kurt Vile.
  20. Both the Adams, John and Samuel, at least opposed Slavery at the founding of the nation. That's more than you can say for Washington and Jefferson. Neither owned slaves as both Washington and Jefferson did. Quincy Adams was a critic of slavery during his tenure in Congress and worked to get rid of a gag rule that prevented anti-slavery legislation from moving forward.
  21. I hope that Sheila didn't have the same fetish her mom did for the Tight End position. That said, if they burn their second 1st round pick or their 2nd rounder on someone like Jalen Wydermyer I think you have to get rid of Brad Holmes and the entire regime on the spot and start over lol.
  22. Not civil rights, but slavery, is a different argument with different consequences. Both Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams opposed slavery. Quincy Adams was a critic of it while elected to Congress as well. As did Samuel Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin, and Marquis De Lafayette. If they did, so too could have Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe. So the standards of the time were that many opposed slavery, including founding members of this nation.
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