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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Did Bitterman prostitute himself for Trump? If yes, pass. If no, and he did or is willing to stand up to him, then proceed.
  2. I agree that taking a QB is rounds 2-5 is not worth the pick, but I'd be willing to burn a 6th or 7th on one if we had an extra pick. How many 6th and 7th rounders at any position end up as starters or even make a team long term. If we had an extra 6th or 7th to use, EJ Perry is the guy I'd use it on this year. I posted a highlight reel of his a couple of pages back, but you know my track record with QBs, so probably best we don't pick Perry.
  3. LBJ did the right thing on Civil Rights and enacted the Great Society to tackle poverty. If he had the courage to end Vietnam he'd easily be my #1, but alas he extended and escalated the war and then lied about the "progress" we were making with McNamara.
  4. Yes, absolutely. Other than Adams' John and John Quincy, because they opposed slavery, I don't look at the founding fathers or early Presidents with much fondness. Jefferson was himself a slave owner and a skank who slept around with his servants. And I never buy the argument of "well times were different" because you had President's like John Adams and JQA who opposed slavery. Albeit, they weren't abolitionists, but at least they knew it was morally wrong and voiced some opposition to it. All the slave-supporting Presidents belong at the bottom of the list IMO because outside of killing, mass murder and genocide, there isn't much that is more morally repugnant and a greater stain on our nation than slavery. Presidential lists are tough because all these men have flaws. The fact that not one woman is on the list is a flaw. Beyond Lincoln at #1, it's tough to rank who, where. My gut reaction is to say FDR at #2, but it can't be him due to what he did to Japanese Americans during WWII. It can't be Johnson due to Vietnam. It's can't be Truman due to him dropping the bomb. It's can't be Teddy due to his staunch opposition to Civil Rights laws and support for Jim Crow. I guess I'd say Lincoln at #1, Eisenhower at #2, Obama at #3, FDR at #4, JFK at #5.
  5. Obama didn't support slavery, so that's always a good start to be higher than a President who did support slavery, like Polk and Jackson.
  6. Fucking Nixon! LOL!
  7. Florida Bill Would Require Schools to Out LGBTQIA students . . .
  8. Why would they hang up for all three picks? It's not that far off base IMO. The Redskins gave up 3 picks in the RG3 trade. The Rams in the Goff trade gave us 2 1sts and in the trade with the Titans gave up 2 1sts and a 2nd.
  9. Juwan Howard through a punch at the Wisconsin Assistant Head Coach at today's game. That is a big no-no for a coach to get involved in a fight like that. He can and should be harshly punished for a situation like that. Didn't Woody Hayes lose his job after the infamous punch he threw at a Clemson player?
  10. Salon: Republicans who pushed Arkansas' anti-trans ban just passed a bill to teach creationism in schools Not to mention, these fanatics only believe the Earth is a few thousands years old and creationism should be taught in public schools.
  11. Troll or not, don't you think his viewpoint represents a significant portion of the GOP base, especially those fanatics on the religious right? That is to say, many Republicans on the religious right would be happy to ban books like Harry Potter and Twilight under the guise of witchcraft.
  12. If we were to flash back to the 1960s and a more conservative America these religious fanatics on the right would be the ones repulsed by the Beatles style and Elvis shaking his hips. Today, instead of Elvis and John Lennon being sinful, it's Harry Potter and Twilight being painted as witchcraft.
  13. How is it that Republicans are out there banning books like Harry Potter and Maus and talking about banning sex education in schools and Democrats aren't screaming about this? We should literally be screaming about it like they do with CRT. It is unbelievable to me that in 2022 a candidate for Governor in one of the biggest states of the union is having a discussion about banning sex ed. Have we gone back to 1960 or something? Just incredulous!
  14. Serious questions. Did you renew because you have faith in the new regime or because it's just a force of habit at this point as a fan? Would you have renewed last season if they had kept Quinn and Patricia for another season? If Campbell and Co. don't dramatically improve this next season (we'll say north of 6-7 wins) would you still renew next year?
  15. Shri is currently a State Representative in Detroit and is running for Congress this year. There are a whole host of Detroit candidates running for the new 13th District that represents Detroit, parts of Downriver and parts of Warren. Shri among them.
  16. Perry Johnson, Republican for Governor, ran a Super Bowl ad. He calls himself a "Quality Guru" which is supposed to be a takeoff or knockoff on Rick Snyder calling himself "One Tough Nerd". Snyder was a terrible Governor with a great campaign slogan. I legit think "One Tough Nerd" was a great slogan and effective messaging. Hell, I voted for Snyder in 2010, sad to admit. What Snyder, Johnson, Rinkie, and all these other Republicans don't understand at a fundamental level is you can't run government like a business and expect it to do its job taking care of people. This was Perry Johnson's Super Bowl ad . . .
  17. MAGA Preacher Greg Locke of Tennessee Burns Harry Potter and Twilight Books, Says They're Witchcraft Some of us keep getting told that we are being hyperbolic and need to calm down when it comes to the Republicans, MAGA movement and their beliefs about what America should look like. This is what a full on, Republican, MAGA America would look like. Burning books and banning books and we're supposed to cool it? It starts with books and cascades down from there if these zealots are left unchecked and given full control over the country. And if Kevin McCarthy and the radically religious, fanatical, autocratic right get back into power in 2022 and 2024 you can be sure more of this will happen. This is the America people like McCarthy, MTG, Loren Bobert, etc. envision.
  18. Republican America folks. Kandiss Taylor, candidate for Governor in Georgia, says that sex education has no place being taught in our schools. When the Duggar Family and the religious right run not only the GOP but America, don't say we didn't try to warn you. Cancel culture strikes again! https://kandisstaylor.com/
  19. If you are looking for an excellent, informative, factual rebuttal to all the misinformation out there and all the Google MDs I highly suggest taking a look at the YouTube page of Dr. Dan Wilson. Dr. Wilson is a Molecular Biologist and does a great job going point by point with science to debunk Covid 19 and vaccine myths.
  20. I went there with my dad and uncle back in 2004 for the Ryder Cup. Such a cool experience to see the course, club house, and Ryder Cup in person. A shame to see the club house burning to the point of no return and irrecoverable damage.
  21. There doesn't appear to be a front runner between Craig, Dixon, Rinke, and now Perry Johnson. I feel like Craig is probably their strongest candidate in the bunch. I'd like to think Rinke dropping the n-bomb, the c*** word, and other harassing statements made towards coworkers and customers would disqualify him from being the nominee and Governor, but we all know that won't be the case. This is America, land of the free, home of no accountability.
  22. West MI Politics: Republican Gubernatorial candidate Kevin Rinke hit with multiple sexual and racial harassment lawsuits and created toxic work environment. Freep: Past Lawsuits Hang Over Kevin Rinke People of all walks of life, of all backgrounds, of all affiliations, Republicans and Democrats and Greens and Libertarians, men and women, are pieces of shit. The difference is, when you discover someone is a piece of shit, are you willing to call it out or not. Are you will to stand up and rebuff that toxic behavior. Are you willing to defend and help the victim of that behavior. Will you work to prevent that behavior. Kevin Rinke is a piece of shit, it would seem. Kevin Rinke created a toxic work environment that was rife with harassment, racism, sexism and toxic masculinity. Hopefully he does not end up the Republican nominee and his base rebukes him. We know that isn't happening. So hopefully he doesn't end up Governor.
  23. The party of LAW AND ORDER!
  24. True, it has and we've gotten our hopes up before. But now, we're getting to the Arthur Anderson part of the Enron investigation where the real meat and potatoes of fraud may come to light.
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