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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. That Twitter page is a great follow. Apparently Fox News ran this on one of their segments. This is literally Trump to a T.
  2. I'm calling timeout on this one because we should have been a Championship team last year, stupid UCLA.
  3. Furthermore, it seemed as if Meadows was cooperating with the committee as of just a few days ago. So why the sudden flip?
  4. Archie Bunker was supposed to a parody of the dopey, backwards thinking American from days gone by. But thanks to fine patriots like yourself, we got to see what the country would have been like if Archie was elected President. Is there any water left in Trump's bowl or did you lap it all up? Mark Meadows was Trump's Chief of Staff at the time the insurrection took place. So it is highly probable that Meadows himself knew what was being orchestrated beforehand or the day of the insurrection. He certainly knew what was going on as the chaos unfolded at the Capitol building, while Trump spent several hours fiddling like Nero while Rome burned. Meadows also knew that the President and others with close ties to the administration, like lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, were going around making erroneous and unprovable claims of voter fraud. He knew they were taking cases to court and losing bigly prior to January 6th. So given all that Chief of Staff Meadows knew and understood about what his boss and those around Trump were doing on or proceeding January 6th, ask yourself this. If Meadows has nothing to hide and if nothing went wrong, and the January 6th Insurrection was nothing more than peaceful protestors taking a field trip through the Capitol, why not cooperate and clear the air?
  5. Boy the amount of golf he played, tweets that made the hit parade, guys like Trump they had it made, those were the days . . .
  6. I thought so too. Why would someone has honest and ethical as the day is long like Ron DeSantis manipulate covid data. It couldn't be because he wants those tourist dollars to keep pouring on in so he's placing dollars ahead of deaths?
  7. You're right, look at the tyranny that Canadians have to live under because they have universal healthcare instead of AR-15's and Glock 9's.
  8. Revised Data for Florida from the NPR Link I Shared Yesterday The Florida numbers were misrepresented and underreported on the graph that NPR had published that I shared yesterday. It appears to me that Governor Covid, Ron DeSantis, and his administration are fudging the death count from Covid in Florida to make it seem lower than it appears.
  9. Florida Sentinel: Governor Covid, Ron DeSantis, Underreporting Covid-19 Deaths
  10. What depresses me more than anything is I can drive 25 minutes from my house, cross the bridge or tunnel into Windsor and be guaranteed certain rights, like healthcare, that I can't get just a stones throw across the river.
  11. I think Cade is a better QB than Georgia's Stetson Bennett at this point, if you compare how they played in their respective championship games. Granted, we played Iowa and Georgia played Alabama. Cade is smart with the football and plays as mistake free of a game as you can.
  12. I'd like to think he's Kyler Murray. Don't ruin next years QB class for me this soon. 🙂
  13. That's the thing, we're going to win 1, maybe 2 games this year and probably no more than 4-5 next year. We are digging out of the biggest hole, roster wise in the NFL. As much as Malik Willis' athleticism or the idea of having anyone but Goff starting next year, this team is so depleted talentwise, that sticking to the BPA plan of attack is the right course of action. They have the assets available and/or will be just plain bad enough next year that they can pass on a QB for now. I think Bryce Young is eligible for next years draft in 2023. So barring a meltdown or injury next season, we can all hop on board the Bryce Young express next season.
  14. In something other than a wartime, I can't recall one. Maybe there were incidents in Africa during an Ebola breakout, but even then, nothing comes to mind. The Japanese telling their citizenry to jump off cliffs with their children rather than being captured in WWII comes to mind, but as you said, that was during wartime. Republicans are literally killing off their voting base one by one and they still can't even manage to take Covid and this pandemic seriously.
  15. I guess Fifth Avenue turned out to be a lot bigger than expected.
  16. NPR: Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame Next at 11, the vaccine helps reduce your symptoms and severity of illness an you get less sick when you are vaxxed.
  17. China's biggest property developer Evergrade looks to be bottoming out and defaulting. With a company that has the amount of capital and assets tied up in one entity as Evergrade does, how is this not going to be a Lehman Brothers or Bear Sterns 2.0? That is, a company that carries a massive debt load, defaults, goes belly up, and creates a ripple effect across the world economy.
  18. Lynn got fired and needs to rebuild his resume and he came here to do it. I don't think he was a "stopgap" OC, I think he was a guy looking to spend a few years in an organization to rebuild his image and get his job back. I think it reflects poorly on Campbell that the guy he chose as his OC has already lost playcalling abilities. If Campbell lost faith in Lynn this quickly, it makes you wonder why he bothered to hire him in the first place.
  19. Honestly right now, I don't think I'd take any of the QBs in the first round other than Corral. Corral doesn't seem to have amazing upside, but is the most steady and consistent good QB of the bunch. I was all in on Willis at the start of the season but have cooled on him since. When he looks good he's as electric as any player out there and you see why a team would be excited about him. However, when he struggles he really bombs out. His decision making is very questionable at times and he's had 4 of his 12 games this year where his turnovers have equaled or outpaced his TDs. Who is the real Malik Willis, is he Lamar Jackson or Tavaris Jackson out there? Right now I'm liking the idea of passing on a QB until next year and just going, sans Oline and TE, BPA with the Rams 1st round pick.
  20. What makes him Goff? Are you simply going off hand size and nothing else?
  22. Dan Campbell needs to be forced to hire a clock management coordinator to take over calling timeouts
  23. Awful. I've tried real hard not to be too judgemental and critical of Campbell in year one, but it's getting real hard to keep giving him the benefit of the doubt.
  24. Seems like things aren't getting any better since Campbell took over play calling. He's not doing himself anymore favors right now because the Vikings will eventually score while ticking all this time off the clock.
  25. Until it is though, he's smart to exploit it.
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