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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Well I predicted this would be a game they could win in the other thread given how poorly Pittsburgh was playing at the time. I no longer predict that win now that Pittsburgh has since won 4 straight games. Lions are probably going to get rolled on Sunday.
  2. Remember when many on the right mocked David Hogg and students after the Parkland school shooting. Many of these same people are now defending this foolish kid.
  3. I'm reading nothing exciting, just about the state of Working Class America from the Economic Policy Institute think tank. https://www.epi.org/research/state-of-working-america/
  4. The days of George Will, William F. Buckley, Bob Dole, George H.W. Bush, and the thoughtful conservatives are over and done. Hell, the days of yearning for Ronald Reagan are over because no one can outshine The Dear Leader Trump. The Republican Party is now reducing itself to tax cuts for the rich, grievance politics, culture wars, and conspiracy theories about vaccines and election fraud. The MTG and Trump wing of the party will be the majority of their base and their elected leaders in D.C. over the next several years. What keeps them relevant is Democrats own bumbling, a lack of a clear message to sell nationally to the American people, being framed as anti-public safety and anti-American, an uncharismatic figure leading it at the top, and inflation hurting the economy. If George H.W. Bush, Mitt Romney or Bob Dole ran in a GOP primary today they wouldn't get 20% of the vote combined. The right has been radicalized for at least a generation, possibly more. Not only have baby boomers on the right been radicalized but so have their Gen X'er children who are between 43-55 years old. We have to deal with a decade of these people taking political power, holding office, and being the dominate voting block before Millennials and Gen Z become a strong enough force that they can overcome Boomers and Gen X'ers on the right. God help us all if Millennials and Gen Z start becoming more right wing or get hijacked by nationalism. With the rise of radicalized Gen X'ers you are going to see candidates like MTG, Ron DeSanits, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley be at the forefront of their national politics and be the top contenders for their Presidential nominee.
  5. MTG would be whistling Dixie if she ran in a Republican Presidential Primary, right through to the finish line where she would win. If Trump didn't run in 2024 and endorsed MTG, she'd be the winner of that primary. And she'd have a base of at very least 40% to start off with right off the bat and could expand it out from there.
  6. We don't elect people by popularity though, so he didn't lose in the end. I wouldn't write off MTG being able to win the Electoral College. I think she could give Democrats a run for it. We live in an era where we can't take anything for granted. I took Trump for granted in 2016, still voted for Hillary in the very end, and I'm not doing that again.
  7. We thought that about Trump didn't we.
  8. Hillary had to deal with accusations of running a sex ring out of a pizza shop and the right ate that up hook, line, and sinker. She also had to deal with accusations that she had her personal attorney Vince Foster clipped.
  9. Marjorie Taylor Greene enjoys being an asshole, but she only gets away with it because she isn't a liberal woman or woman of color. I think people like AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush, and Rashida embrace their fighting nature, but could never get away with it because of the racist and xenophobic (and Islamophobic in Rashida's case) backlash they would face.
  10. Right, and she was also allowed to be a dunce.
  11. I'll never understand how the BS about her heritage would be a bigger story than a President who mocks disabled people and says he moves on a married woman and did try to f*** her. But such is the political and media climate we live in.
  12. Ask not what Big Bird can do for you, ask what you can do for Big Bird!
  13. Many, not all, of the same people that get worked up over CRT would have no problem in their child came home and told them that their teacher said evolution was a hoax, Darwin was an idiot, or that man walked side-by-side and exist with the dinosaurs. Just look at the BS some on the Christian right believe . . . https://creationmuseum.org/dinosaurs-dragons/live-with-humans/ Gallup: 40% of Americans believe in Creationism Those 40% are likely a large percentage of the people that show up to school board meetings and bitch about masks or CRT or Dr. Seuss or Harry Potter being witchcraft or whatever issue of the month I'm supposed to be riled up about.
  14. They got that worked up for CRT that isn't taught in schools and "canceling" Dr. Seuss. I expect nothing less.
  15. The issue has become hyper partisan and polarized. So I think some in the activist community for blacks, POC progressives and white progressives see people on the right giving atta boys to the cop who shot Mike Brown or George Zimmerman for shooting Trayvon Martin or the cop who kneeled on George Floyd's neck. Some on the right see it out of the lens of racisms and see these black boys and men as thugs who had it coming. So in response to that, and the fact that so many of these cops and individuals get off, some on the left and in the activist community look at that and wonder how you can have nuance with those types of people. How are you supposed to sit quietly when there appears to be two systems of justice, one for white people and another for persons of color. So they then respond with their own extremes, like defunding the police or tweets about how cops are racist and policing can't be reformed, but needs to be abolished.
  16. I bet you were ok when Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey did it over lying about a BJ. By the way, the same Newt Gingrich who cheated on his wife and slept around while in office.
  17. I don't subscribe to the Athletic. Where are the OSU receivers, Olave and Wilson at?
  18. If the Steelers draft him to replace Big Ben he'll be McNabb, if the Lions draft him he'll be Andre Ware.
  19. Warren is the politician I admire most along with Bernie. I knocked doors for Warren this time around and phone banked for her until she dropped out. I suppose if she ran in 2024 I'd do it again because I do believe in my heart she is the smartest and most qualified person we have in politics to be President. But I have a few concerns with her at this point, having sat through this last election cycle. #1: She'll be 74-75 when 2024 comes around and would herself only be a one-term President likely. We need a charismatic, young political figure like Obama was in 2024=. Someone who can not only serve two terms but can also be around the party for years to come to help recharge and reshape our battered brand and sell it to the masses. #2: She has a messaging problem that she needs to fix. While I personally loved her "I have a plan for that, I have a plan for everything" wonky style messaging, the average voter does not. I always like the way Elizabeth Warren talks to me like a professor, as if I am a student, wanting to be educated and wanting to hear just the facts and issues. That kind of smart, thoughtful politics, built around big, bold progressive ideas really sells to educated lefties like me. However, her professorial style of politics and the way she focuses on the issues does not appeal to the average voter, certainly not the high school educated black or white working class voter. They aren't looking for Professor Warren to get up there and tell them about all the brilliant ideas and plans she has to solve what ails them. Some of these voters do appreciate the Bernie/Warren rhetoric built around us versus them, middle/working class vs the wealthy, as John Edwards would say, Our America/Their America. What they don't approve of though is some college professor getting up there, acting like she knows everything, and talking to them like a teacher would her students. Warren can come across as too wonky and too preachy and as partially shown by the last Democratic Primary, voters don't always appreciate that. When you look at the demos of who voted for Warren, you can see it is largely white, college-educated liberals. She struggled with blacks, Hispanics, and blue-collar voters. She needs to rebrand her messaging and focus less on the specific issues that few voters outside her college-educated bubble care about and focus more on values and her personal story. The average voter cares more about generic values like equality, fairness, liberty, safety, stability, etc. than they do a 10-point plan and a 50 page white paper on how you're going to tackle poverty in America. While Warren would be a great President because of her calm demeanor, intellect, thoughtful and strategic nature, she isn't a good enough campaigner to get to the White House first. She needs to focus more on how her daddy had a heart attack and her momma had to go to work at Sears to support the family, the personal story and values that people can relate too. I don't think Warren will run in 2024 and I'm not sure she should given her age. If she does run though, she can't just go out there and run a 2.0 version of her 2020 primary campaign or she will lose again.
  20. Pennsylvania Republican and Trump-endorsed Senate candidate Sean Parnell saying that men defended women from dinosaurs.
  21. If she wins re-election in this tough political climate in Michigan, I think you have to at least consider our Governor Gretchen Whitmer for the Presidency.
  22. I think Harris will be the nominee in 2024. I have a heard time believing she won't be.
  23. That's great to hear, but the President himself needs to hit the trail and get into working class, rural, and urban communities. They need to get him up on TV with Super PAC ads touting this as well.
  24. I don't think they did. Those kids went on to join the klan and enforce Jim Crow and separate but equal segregation. So instead of slavery that just chased people down, lynched them when they tired to vote, and brutally beat them when the whistled at white girls, see Emmitt Till. The modern day Republican Party still has all the same frame work that would accept separate but equal segregation, Jim Crow laws, lynching, and the klan. It's just that they can't get away with it any longer because that is just enough of America that wouldn't accept it. But believe me, spend a day with my dad, his buddies, and millions of Republicans like him, especially when he/they have had a few beers and you'll come to understand what the average Republican thinks about black people. And by black people, I mean another, more abhorrent word I'm not going to say here. Also Hispanics, Mexican-Americans, immigrants, Jewish people, Asian-Americans, Vietnamese-Americans especially, South Asians, people with accents, people whose primary language isn't English, gay/bi people, lesbians, transgender people, queer people, woman, especially working woman, etc. If it wasn't for the influence of my mom I'd be just as racist, xenophobic, anti Semitic, homophobic, misogynist, and overall intolerant as my dad is. No matter how many black, brown, Jewish, gay, immigrant, or woman I went to school with or how many good teachers I had. My dad didn't vote for Trump for his economic policy, let's just say that. Neither did people like Stan and millions of other Americans. My dad, technically smart as he is on a host of issues, still believes Barack Obama is a Kenyan, Muslim. So do tens of millions of other Republicans. I love my dad because he's my dad and he loves me. I enjoy some of what we have in common. I feel for the brutal life he had growing up as a kid and everything he went through. I feel for the fact that corporate greed took away his financial security in retirement and foreclosed on his house in what should have been his golden years. But make no mistake, there is one overarching reason my votes Republican, and it's their acceptance towards intolerance that drives him to the polls. I don't want to be an intolerant bigot like him and that part of my life, his intolerance towards others, I don't like. If George Wallace were alive today and ran in the 2024 Republican Primary he'd beat any candidate besides Trump and he may even beat Trump. The good Republicans like the George Will's of the world, they got the hell out of there because they know what their party is now and know what I said above is true.
  25. And speaking of chickens, did they ever find Trump or is he still hiding down there in that bunker? And speaking of bunkers, it looks like Trump's new favorite poster here is Archie now that Stan is long gone.
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