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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Speaking of jokes, I've got a good one for you, stop me if you've heard this one before. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Because the road got repaved with Joe Biden's infrastructure bill.
  2. It would behoove Biden to show up at Kellogg's and John Deere and be on the picket line. That's one thing a guy like Bernie understands. When Verizon workers were on strike in 2016 in NYC Bernie went out of his way, showed up, stood on a soap box and gave a ra-ra speech to the Verizon union workers. He did the same thing that year in Iowa for a company during the Caucuses. Biden needs to be out in front of the cameras, in the heart of white working class America, showing solidarity with these workers. Optics go a long way.
  3. If you are the child of one of these people who believes 5G technology is in the vaccine or that Bill Clinton had Vince Foster clipped, how do you go to school and learn one thing from your Teacher about a given subject matter and then come home and have your whackjob parent tell you that's all a lie and completely untrue. How is nuance supposed to be break through andunderstood by that child when the parent is incapable and/or unwilling to have any or understand it themselves and is undermining everything the kid learns that day in school? With some of these people on the right (and yeah a few on the left, but mostly on the right) you can show them 1+1 = 2 every which way possible, but if they lack the intellectual heft to comprehend what you are teaching them or are so dense they refuse to listen and pay attention, it seems like a hopeless cause.
  4. Do you think that you can teach nuance to people who believe Hillary Clinton was running a sex ring out of a pizza shop and think that Obama is a Muslim?
  5. Hindsight is obviously 2020, but would you have drafted Josh Allen #1 overall back in 2017?
  6. I was taught in school during the 90's and 2000's that Columbus was a good dude and he sailed the ocean blue in 1492 on the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria and was apart of the North American discovery. I think an honest teaching of Columbus would teach you that he was a thug, thief, rapist, and murderer. I was also never taught that, beyond the indigenous people, it was actually the Vikings and Nordics who discovered North America and not Columbus. They were in Canada long before Columbus came over. That isn't CRT or teaching through the lens of race, those are just facts about Columbus and who he was. If some people can't handle history that is their problem.
  7. So we put Sam Howell in the same spot as Malik Willis then. A guy you draft with your later 1st, not #1 overall and someone you pick up because of their potential of what they could develop into.
  8. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😄😄😄
  9. You can't have nuance with people who barely have high school education and refuse and reject any notion of learning or intellectual stimulation. You also can't have nuance with 70 year old people like my dad whose racism and intolerance have been ingrained in him/them for 55-60+ years. Nuance escapes people like that and some of them just don't have the intellectual heft to think critically or move beyond bumper sticker politics and slogans designed to make them angry and afraid. What Democrats need to do is frame social issues back to economics, quality of life, and safety and security of the general public. Win people over with bread and butter values about making a fair economy, rewarding hard work with good-wages and an equitable tax code, keeping people safe while ensuring the system of justice is equitable, etc. A melding together of both the Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders approaches to politics. The focus on values over specific ideas of Obama, the working-class zeal of a Joe Biden, and the Democrats will always be on your side kind of toughness and fight of a Bernie Sanders. You get the hopeful, optimistic nature of an Obama and Biden blended with the willingness to fightback when you're kicked and tenacity of a Bernie Sanders. There will always be a block of people wo will continue to watch Fox and OAN or read Brietbart and never go along. Let them do what they are going to do and win everyone else in the middle or anyone capable of any level of introspection or critical thought back over.
  10. If I'm Joe Biden, I'm going on a month-long tour touting my infrastructure bill and I'm only visiting working class and urban communities to hype it up. I'm going straight into the heart of white working-class America to sell that this program will put people go with with good-paying jobs, while making vital improvements to our infrastructure in each local community I visit. I'd also hammer home the fact that the great negotiator Trump and Congressional Republicans failed time after time to get a deal done on infrastructure. From a metro Detroit perspective, think communities like Allen Park, Clawson, Dearborn, Detroit, Macomb Township, Roseville, Taylor, Sterling Heights, Warren, Westland, Woodhaven. Those are the types of communities I'd send him to. I'd focus on these 7 or so states for my infrastructure world tour: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. The gloves need to come off though and Biden and the Democrats need to hammer both their success and Republican/Trump's repeated failures to get a deal done on infrastructure. When you put Democrats in charge, this is the kind of progress you get. Hell, bring Obama back out and let him help sell it too.
  11. It's sad when you're supposed to be a great negotiator and deal maker and you shit the bed and got nothing done. Good thing there is a lot of cleanup money in this bill, because there is a lot of shit to clean up.
  12. I think in-regards to Hockenson there were many Lions fans clamoring for a defensive player. Specifically one of Brian Burns, Devin Bush, Ed Oliver, or Montez Sweat. We can MMQB that one because it felt like the majority of the fan base was calling for a defensive player of any kind to be picked. On the Tua subject, there were a lot of fans who stated they would have been happy with Herbert at the time. So while I do think some fans revised history after the fact to they would have been happy with Herbert as well, many were on board with both at the time. I remember wanting Isiah Simmons, Tua or Herbert at the time with a strong lean towards Simmons and Tua over Herbert.
  13. I was looking at Goff's stat line from the bye week . . . 12/27, 162 yards, 0 TDs, 1 INT and 2 fumbles.
  14. Washington beating Oregon helps Michigan a teeny, tiny bit if nothing else.
  15. Like MCS had, I'd rather have Tucker over Harbaugh too. That said, as a regular 97.1 listener Valenti and Rico were insufferable this week bragging and boasting about MSU and I had to turn it off after it got old 1 hour into their Monday show. Now they have to go out there on Monday's show, tail tucked between their legs, and act all aggrieved by what happened. That's one reason why this lost satisfies me. The other is of course the fact that it still technically, even though we'll get rolled by Ohio State, keeps Michigan in the hunt for a Big Ten title.
  16. Hey Mike Valenti, sit and spin. You and your boy Rico ran your big bleeping mouths all week and then your team went and chocked away your chances at a Big Ten Championship and CFB Playoff by losing to Purdue. Big Game Brohm does it again. Mel who?
  17. I'd laugh at Sparty losing to Purdue, but I know Harbaugh would lose too. How f****** sad is this too, that Harbaugh loses to MSU like a punk and then MSU goes out the next week and loses to Purdue. Where's all that Mel Tucker hype now?
  18. Trump always does come up a little short.
  19. It's really not that funny, but at the same time it really is. I had a good chuckle during Biden's press conference today.
  20. Willis definitely needs to be smarter with the football and doesn't always showcase pinpoint accuracy, but highlights like this are a small taste of what the guys potential is. If he has the football IQ, mental acumen, and attitude to sit and learn, he could really turn himself into a Josh Allen-type QB with the athleticism and arm strength he possesses.
  21. Brandon must be sad that his guy didn't measure up. Brandon's guy acted like a dick for four years instead of passing an infrastructure plan and came up short time after time. Sad. 😥
  22. I think Biden should write a book about the success he had here. Maybe call it The Art of the Deal II: I Actually Got a Deal Done.
  23. Speaking of cracks, Joe Biden's going to be repairing them in the roads and bridges with his shiny new bipartisan infrastructure bill. Joe's certainly got more done than the hot air that was always leaking out of your boys mouth about infrastructure weeks during his 4 years. Maybe Biden put some money in the bipartisan bill to fix the leaks.
  24. Where does Levi Onwuzurike rank among DTs, stopping the run or getting after the passer? With 12 tackles and no sacks and no QB hurries I can't imagine he ranks very high. I think virtually everyone was clamoring for JOK.
  25. Fair enough on a 3rd being too steep. As for the Jets trading Wilson, Arizona did it after taking Josh Rosen with their 1st round pick because they felt someone better was there next year in Kyler Murray. With White getting hurt last night I think it's all a moot point now.
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