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Everything posted by HeyAbbott

  1. I hope this is the low tide moment of this season, but somehow I doubt it. The way this team handled their at bats tonight, did someone make Baez the hitting coach and I missed the memo?
  2. There's no intent by the Tiger's brass to reach the playoffs,or even a winning record this year. If there is a decent return pitching will be traded
  3. Zepo Marx, in the movie "Horse Feathers" famously said, "To have a good football team, you have to have good football players." To which Groucho replied, "I think you're on to something." That same sentiment applies to baseball.
  4. Players only broadcast means never-ending verbal manure.
  5. an 81 win team requires 26 guys averaging 1.1 WAR each. A realistic look reveals we are perhaps a dozen players away, an absolute minimum of 6. I am not asking for Mike Trout clones. I am asking for a collection of players statistically possible to reach 81 wins
  6. Well, as I look at it, We are a catcher, 3b,2b,one OF, 2 SPs and a quality DH away from being counted on to cross the .500 barrier to the extent that a playoff spot becomes possible. That is six guys we are short. I expect our next reasonable window to start in 2025.
  7. Harris has made it clear there was no intention to compete for anything this year. It is an experimental year to find out what pieces fit where. When a couple of sub .200 hitters cannot or will not be out right released, or something else will not be tried, there just reallay anything to say because things speak for themselves.
  8. I have had 2 different fibula fractures. They are worse than broken ribs ( I broke 4 of those at one time once). The fibula fracture is a painful injury that took about 6 weeks for me to heal. I was 32 at the time, which for me is a lifetime ago.
  9. Well, I guess it is time to start speculating about the draft. I don't see how we recover from losing both ERod and Greene.
  10. Stengel used to platoon with the Yankees. So did Hank Bauer with the Orioles.
  11. Baddoo has found himself. He is hitting and running very well. Another plus from last year.
  12. The AL Central is a little worse than I thought. The hitting has been especially poor, taken as a whole for the division.
  13. In the past, we have had many unpleasant events with respect to Tigers baseball to discuss. There are four pleasant events so far I did not expect and leave me astonished. 1. The emergence of Zach McKinstry is unexpected. At best, I thought he would be just a passing shiny bauble that would vanish like the morning dew. He has shown plate patience and played far better than I expected. 2. So far, controlling the strike zone appears to be more of a reality than expected. The improvement in getting walks is far better than I hope. 3. The bullpen has been almost as good as it gets. 4. General plate patience has been completely different than recent years. The approach at the plate has been one of improved patience and is resulting in players getting good pitches to hit. This team is fun to watch again.
  14. He was always looking for an angle.
  15. I think 75 wins might be very close to the final result. Will they reach .500 in May??
  16. Don't let your ball playing kid watch Baez run the bases. Unbelievable.
  17. All of us knew this team was going to be bad. The only real question was when this season began was if they could win win 63 games. We all knew the first 40 games would be rough because the schedule was brutal. Even knowing that, it is difficult to stomach this totally dead baseball we are seeing. I am going to opening day this week, and as of right now I am highly doubtful, that any of the first 15 games of the season will be remotely competitive.
  18. I think this team is a 72 win team. I see them struggling to achieve a 12-28 in the first forty games. After the first forty, the schedule becomes a little easier over the long haul. The only thing that concerns me after game 1 is that the 2023 TORK! looks exactly like the 2022 TORK!
  19. The casual fan will think that Miggy will be playing every day.
  20. I don't think I could have said this better. On a competitive team, he should have been cut in 2017. He has been a AAAA player on his very best days for 6 years. For me, enough is enough. The casual fan will buy a ticket for the Miggy sideshow. That is why he is will be on the team.
  21. No. He needs extended time in AAA. When he proves he can hit a MLB fastball down the middle of the plate is when he deserves further consideration. I know he had a stronger collegiate career than Barry Bonds at ASU. He has yet to prove he can hit Major League pitching.
  22. https://onlineradiobox.com/us/wxytam/?cs=us.wxytam&played=1
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