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Everything posted by HeyAbbott

  1. We are watching a Royals team that knows how to put the ball in play. 3 to zero. Almost too big of a hill for the Tigers
  2. Buzz Deer does it again. Another K.
  3. I see that "Buzz" Deer, AKA TORK! is the DH.
  4. Harris has been very careful about what he says publicly about t he current sate of the Tigers roster and the potentially available position players in the system he has going forward. The more I watch this season and view video from minor league games, the more I am convinced the fan base has way over estimated how strong the current batch of position players the Tigers have under control, and especially on the active roster
  5. This is the best summary of the current situation of the Tigers I have seen or heard anywhere.
  6. I love watching batting practice.
  7. Well, that didn't take long.
  8. I will try this again. Don't overload hitters with too much to think about. Keep it simple. Keep it short. Condense information to a very brief indication what is likely. To me, it has looked like sometimes our hitters have been given too much to think about. " In this count, look for Y from pitcher X" as say opposed to " In this count, pitcher X throws a sweeper 46.75 percent of the time", and then go further to break down all possibilities totaling 100 percent in an extreme case. In short, it seems to me the hitters are being coached to the point that the coaching is negatively impacting the ability to respond what the pitcher is throwing throughout the entire at bat.
  9. I talking figuratively about calculus. If a hitter is at the plate not ready to relax and hit and tries to keep all of the information being stuffed in their had at the ready, that seems to me to likely have and undue negative impact on results. I think we are generally in agreement. I also think it is increasingly clear why Harris struggled to keep from bursting out laughing at his introduction to the Deroit press, with the core reason being that behind closed doors, MLB GMS do not think highly of Deroit's so called positional prospects.
  10. I am kind of in the all of the above category considering the persistent offensive problems we are having. 1. We are lacking in talent and we have way over estimated the talent that we have. 2. I get the feeling that there are too many folks in the ears of our hitters. A batter cannot think about hitting as if it is a calculus problem after all. That is a coaching problem. 3. It is logical to assume that MLB has decided to exploit the control the strike zone model of the Tigers with throwing sure fire strikes on the first pitch as we are giving away the first strike. There needs to be some first pitch swinging to provide enough contraion behavior to keep everyone honest. 4. The lineup is too short. It needs one more experienced bat.
  11. You know, this team is starting to remind me of the 1968 Tigers with all of their come from behind wins.
  12. Between "Buzz" Oyler (AKA TORK!) and the marvelous batting instructor, Javy Baez, I'm bored. I think I will go watch something exciting, like watching white paint dry on a wall.
  13. 5-1. In the third on a ground ball barrage , most of them up the middle.
  14. Keller played Tork like a fiddle. Can't anyone on this team stay disciplined enough to at least advance the runner.
  15. With a solid team approach at the plate, 2 runs doesn't make an insurmountable lead.
  16. Such much for a lead
  17. Will Olson's first walk hurt him?
  18. A run in the first inning. Keith gets a hit.
  19. Wow! Stolen base!
  20. How about that!! A walk by Medows.
  21. I predict a Pirates win. The Tigers had a lot of problems with Keller in the past IIRC.
  22. After watching Sunday's game, my question is, have they made Javy Baez the hitting instructor? The general overall hitting approach was not FCL league standards. Absolutely disgusting. I think with TORK!, we have seen the second coming of Rob Deer. Spencer Deer, ugh. Here's hoping he doesn't become Spencer Oyler.
  23. So far, this team has been fun to watch. My biggest take away so far has been that the pitching has been superb. As for the start, we have a light schedule in March and April. It must be noted that it's early.
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