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Everything posted by KL2

  1. I doubt any player would agree to it. They're pay isn't going to go down. And any FA would have gone through several arbitration years and wouldn't be desperate for money. The player is better waiting to see how the CBA unfolds.
  2. Let's just use Trey Flowers for example. When we signed him it was for 5 years 90 million at $17 million. That is actually below market a little bit for solid DE's especially ones that hit the FA market. You mean to tell me there weren't better organizaitons offering close to that kind of money? I find that hard to believe given he was in everybody top 10 of all free agents available that year.
  3. In the NFL that appears to be the case. See reference Suh. (and to your sarcastic point, in that scernerio they might or they might not depends how much more they want the $1 million. But you ignored my entire point that in the NFL guys keep signing with bad teams all the time. I doubt if the cash is there the Lions will have too much difficulty landing some free agents)
  4. This timeline only exists if you find the next Andrew Luck, which is crazy unlikely this year given this year's crop. Just think of normal QB development. 2022-gonna be bad, take lumps and throw as many picks and TDs. 2023-gets better but still doesn't have much around him. Yet youre thinking wild card team. 2024--OK maybe you have a pro bowl-esc level QB but you think they should be challenging for division crowns. Again that timeline only exists if you think we take Matt Corrall high or get lucky with the liberty kid being Lamar Jackson 2.0. If neither of those scerenios hold true, everything moves back in your timeline. Face guys, this team is so devoid of talent its gonna be a long rebuild. Just like the start of the year take off the Lions glasses, this team is absolutely devoid of talent. It has maybe two, two players out of 53. Unless Holmes has a 1974 Steelers draft class we might 3 guys from the draft class and another three in FA. We're now almost to double digits of respectable players! Still a crazy long way to go.
  5. It's teh NFL it's all about money. The top FA keep signign with Jacksonville every damn offseason and what have the won?
  6. and sorry you think 2024 is too long. It took three years to be competitive after 0-16. 2024 is, wait for it, three years away.
  7. Again, cause you just ignored it, what young players matter? None are going to be here. Even next year the majority won't be here. Who the hell are you suggesting we win for? Who is important for? A bunch of guys who will be graduate assistants at NC State? And your post is laughlably stuck in 1972 because "getting a taste of winning" is such a BS coach line. Why not keep you're eye on the ball while you're at it. There is no evidence that winning late has anything to do with the next season's results. Again, cause you ignored this too, do you think Calvin was a different player because he went 0-16? You think if he went 1-15 that year he plays another 6 years for us?
  8. Your whole premise is laughably stuck in 1972. THere is zero evidence that winning a few at the end of the year does anything to imrove the next year. It's even more true when you consider we have what like 4 guys that might be part of the team when they are decent. You really think TJ is gonna play better or worse in 2024 based on whether they win 2 or 0 this year? I don't think Calvin's career abiity was changed all that much by being part of 0-16 Even next year there are gonna be what 30 new players, so who are you building for? WHo are you teaching to win? Guys who won't even be good enough to play for the Lions?
  9. They have less talent than they did in game 1. Why would you think that group would get better?
  10. Though you do have to wonder how much of it is a chicken and an egg situation. LIke would he still make the decisions if the roster wasn't so butt. For example does he take the points more often with a kicker who wasn't cut from 9 teams this year and a defense that could ocassionaly tackle.
  11. It was on TV in NYC but we just got the ole "we're gonna take you to a more competitive game." That's right a team that will be picking in the top five just dominated us so bad FOx cut away
  12. BuT We DOn'T HAVe PatRiCA. THat'S GoOD FoR THrEE WinS
  13. Detroit Free Press: Here are three things the Lions need to do to win KL2: Yeah, have the Eagles plane crash
  14. Baez problem is the side numbers are good and he basically has one tool. Power. When that goes he's gonna be near useless. Not to mention how much is he gonna fit in with AJ? https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/31683889/chicago-cubs-javier-baez-benched-manager-david-ross-losing-track-outs-defeat#:~:text=CHICAGO -- Cubs shortstop Javier,loss to the Cleveland Indians.&text=Baez said he was "surprised,pulled but accepted the punishment.
  15. no big deal when you sign a guy to a 7 year deal
  16. At least Patricia won 5 a year, ammirite?
  17. And that's why we're 0-7. Drive for the lead and throw an endzone pic. If someone would have gotten kicked in the balls on the return it would have nicely summed up this season.
  18. If this is your thinking you're in for a lot of disapointment.
  19. Looking at the schedule left....where is the win?
  20. I'm not mad cause Iowa lost. And you didn't have to go back that far, yet one guy you listed in your response was from 2010. Which has little to do with Michigan football today. It was what two or three head coaches a go. My guess is that a lot changes in terms of development between different coaches. Or maybe you could site Charles Woodson I mean he played at Michigan too The point was under harbaugh they've all been busts. All of em. Doesn't that make you at least say hmmmm is there something going on or is it just a massive coincidence. If I was a GM I'd go wait a sec, these highly rated, highly drafted players all busted out. What's the common demoninator?
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