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Everything posted by KL2

  1. That I would question Hutchinson in the fact that other very high rated players from the same school didn't pan out. Sure none of them went 1-2-3. But we're not talking 242. WE're talking 10-11-12. If I was a NFL GM I would question what is going on in the Michigan program and whether what they teach/train translates to the NFL.
  2. The fact you have to go back to 2010, when RIch Rod was the head coach shows you totally missed the point
  3. Of their starting 9 and 11 man pitching staff, a total of 3 guys were drafted by the rays. (keimeir, lowe, Shane M...if you added in international signings it jumpts to 4) So 4/20 20 percent. I don't think that's "mostly"
  4. They've also won exactly as much as we have since 2000
  5. I'll root for the guys we got by tnaking but I don't like that they helped a non-tanking team make the playoffs and they aren't a good team. Man kinda all over the place here aren't you?
  6. Good rookie year, fairly useless all other and I gotta give up something to get him. Pass
  7. Not sure what you're expecting. Top flight short stop $30 million. One of the pitching spots will go to alexander/injury guys/pena/wentz/et all. So $10 million for a pitcher. Then $5 million for a catcher (Hesse will be one and the other guy will just be a stop gap). Even if I spend $5 million for a bullpen arm or two (most the bullpen will be back). That's filling all the needs you mention for $50 million a year. And I doubt they think they are playoff team next year even with the additions. Given the youth of the team. .500 is a more reasonable goal.
  8. I like it. Not sold on Correa for health reason. But you are sold on the 30 year year old who wasn't much until his 28 year old season.
  9. A version of the spring training blue tops wouldn't be the worst thing. So long as its used about 10 games
  10. You're making it seem like its gonna sign a 8 year deal
  11. If this post serious are just through michigan eyes? No nobody was high as hutchinson (and if you noted i admit he might be fine, who knows). But, Michigan's track record on defensive picks is god awful. I went back and did the counting. 13 defensive players picked in the first three rounds, 6 first rounds. 1 pro bowler in Frank Clark. If you count peppers, two starters. That's terrible and to try to justify Graham, Bush, peppers or gary as examples of some type of success is just silly. None of them have had any type of success. They are like the Will Harris' of their teams. It's like if me an a Iowa fan uses Spivey as a success story. Well he started some games...
  12. Well you're never gonna promise cause that would hurt bargining and you never know what the market with show. I just wanted to dispell that line I quote, from all indications spending is what they want to do.
  13. At some point NFL will catch on a bit, but when was the last time a Michigan defender was good in the NFL? Not saying Hutchinson can't be, but its certaintly a worrisome trend. Michigan keep putting out high defensive picks, and they amount to zippo. Is it scheme, training, physical that doesn't translate?
  14. except they prtty much said they will....
  15. Probably depends on record, how they feel and what not. They did 150 this year, so if they are chugging around .500 then they might cap it around 175. If they are in the hunt they might let Mize go a bit more
  16. I imagine it will be something like Top Tier SS (think Story) and then Maybe Verlander if he wants. If not think Grinke. Then a reliever like Mychael Givens. The problem wiht OP is if we sign some shortstop to 200Plus. Then sign a tier one FA then sign the top reliever. Well I can't think of any team that has swept the FA market like that. Not to mention the cost of signign Chaffin, Igelsias, SS and Tier one pitcher is gonna approach $500 mililon
  17. Fun fact. We finished two games behind the Padres
  18. Literally they did. Tp for one. And you were one that kept saying how they were gonna be better.
  19. "they have more talent this year than last" --Several posters
  20. Remember when a bunch of you guys said this team would win 7?
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