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  1. Same with Trans. Gays were the bogeyman, and then oops, half of them were going on Grinder or then found out they had gay kids and relatives. Same thing will happen. Ditto with the "illegals". It was the Irish, the Italians, the Asians, Arabic/Muslim, now it's the Mexicans. If they can't "other" and incite hate, their back of tricks is empty. Obviously effective because we're losing our democracy, but DEI and woke and something something.
  2. Spoken like an old white guy. The people who wanted everyone to have an equal shot based on their qualifications are the bad guys. It's called propaganda and you fell for it.
  3. Feels like the Ottawa home and home a few years ago and the ending feels like it will be the same, too
  4. I disagree. The Dems having been doing this "let's have a conversation" thing for how long? The notion that there's all these sweet innocent country folk who just didn't know better is bull****. Even poor "Ryleigh" or whatever from Baldwin. She basically wanted free **** for herself but didn't want those black or brown people to have it. Chances are she married a MAGAt and that's what changed her vote from 2020. She was also sexually assaulted as a teen and still voted for a sexual assaulter. But sure, let's present facts to these dolts. I mean, why don't we sit down and have a nice chat with those who were gassing and burning other humans? I mean, some compassion is in order. If y'all wanna buy the bull**** about it being about inflation or the lab leak or Biden's age, have at it. I'm sticking with the mocking, shaming and watching the face eating the traitors who knew exactly what they were voting for. When there's nothing left but bones and the leopard burping, they may start to reconsider their vote.
  5. Guess how your daughter's asthma treatment was developed and funded. I'll wait. If you had no one else in your life that cared that you were struggling, that speaks volumes.
  6. Didn't you choose to leave here, but lied about it and then came crawling back?
  7. I feel like the "Trump voter Federal Worker who got laid off and regrets vote" is this years undecided voter at the diner.
  8. This is delicious. I could not love it more. Just the pick me up I needed. I'll definitely have to send it to my MAGAt family members.
  9. FYI, he can be covered under both before he's 26. With Medicaid as the primary and your insurance as secondary or vice versa. There are things covered under Medicaid that aren't under traditional insurance. Going forward, who knows.
  10. Imane Khelif had a valid birth certificate saying she was born female, but it didn't stop you pervs from questioning her gender and putting her life at risk. Nice to see you were so triggered you couldn't stay away.
  11. They're already on the Trans porn sites and meeting the drag queens at the motel after church on Sundays. Its all projection. The loudest trans and homophobes are in the closet. Book it.
  12. They can beg for our forgiveness if they ever actually change, not the other way around.
  13. You can lead the welcoming committee. I'll keep being vindictive bitch, thankyouverymuch. They knew. All of it. Who he was, what he stood for, the people it would hurt. They DID. NOT. CARE. They laughed at the thought of other people suffering and still voted for him. Not forgiving and definitely not forgetting.
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