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Everything posted by Kacie
While watching the numerous giveaways and lapses by the Lightning in the first two periods, I realized, that yeah, it actually was Blashill that was the problem. Sure, some new faces, but when you see who's missing and how well the team is playing, hard not to come to that conclusion. Austin Czarnik? Oesterle? Newsy getting the most out of players.
It costs money to evacuate. There were hundreds of thousands of residents to evacuate and only a few thousand shelter spaces. Not all were for those who are disabled, not all are for those who have pets. It sounds easy to say, go somewhere. Where do they go then? How many have oxygen tanks or walkers or wheelchairs, in addition to memory, cognitive, incontinence and other health issues? They're supposed to hop in their car and drive 300 miles? Also, up until the night before, Tampa was expected to be "ground zero". Not everyone has thousands or even hundreds of dollars or a car or place to go. I thought the judgmental assholes were put in their place after Katrina? Guess not. If you truly cannot imagine, consider yourself fortunate.
As if any conversation wouldn't start and end with Seider and Raymond.
I gotta learn how to post tweets! Seems like going from Calgary to Cowlumbus is...makes no sense.
Gaudreau to the Blue Jackets, according to Elliotte Friedman
In the pre-Trump era, maybe. Not now. Little kids being murdered in Sandy Hook and Uvalde didn't move the needle. I can't really see anything that will get the cultists to change their mind. Unless the Democrats can actually get their shit together and get a cohesive message and dictate the narrative and get the media to stop both sidesing everything, I really don't see it happening. Their owning the Libs. That's all they want. They couldn't care less about anyone dying. How many of them died of Covid just so they didn't have to wear a mask or get a vaccine? I've lost hope that anything will actually get through to the psychopaths.
You've answered your own question. We need more Democrats in the House and Senate. Everyone agrees with that. How? The Democratic party has been saying, vote for us, we'll make your lives better...lower drug costs, health care, abortion rights, student loans, the environment, housing. What has been accomplished on any of those matters? Now we've got out of control inflation and a recession on the horizon on top of that. If you're a 28 year old with massive debt, can't afford a place to live, can't to go to the doctor, now you can't get an abortion, everything costs more, what's going to make you vote Blue? They did that in 2018 and 2020, has anything really changed for them? All they get is a collective, what are we supposed to do? The fillibuster, Mitch, Fox News, it's not our fault we can't get things done. What specifically is the geriatric leadership doing to fund or promote candidates or anything of that matter to get them elected? They sit back and let the Republicans direct the narrative and they have no come back, no defense, no collective definitive message. But just wait, now they're really mad and outraged, things will really change *this* time.
So what happens in 2022 if there is a majority in the Senate and it can't get passed due to the Pro Death Democrat in the house? Whattya gonna do? Yeah, the Tigers keep losing because the Yankees are so good. I mean Avila has only had 8 years. To heck with winning, we can cheer those Miggy milestones! We can't expect to win when everyone else is good. It's not that we suck, it's just other teams are good. Nothing we can do about it. Stop blaming the Tigers, blame the rest of the league!
Have you considered Cuellar won because he had to endorsement of the Speaker of the House? She literally went to Texas to campaign for him. Isn't that what money and campaigning is for, to convince voters? My understanding is that she lost by a few hundred votes. How does Pelosi say out one side she's Pro Choice, but campaigns for the Pro Death candidate? Does a challenger have as much money as an incumbent? Again, let's just keep losing, sending out the same message over and over and point our fingers everywhere else and not look at what can be done differently as democracy dies.
Maybe Pelosi could start by not campaigning for the only Democratic Pro Forced Birth candidate. When your team keeps losing, you eventually have to look at why. The first place to look in these instances is leadership. At some point you can't keep blaming the other team for winning.
You keep contradicting yourself. You're saying all that Biden had to do was flatter ole Mitch a bit to get this done. Then you basically admit the Republicans wanted this gun control lite which does very little so they can pretend like they care about Uvalde. Biden did nothing to convince anyone. If it had any actual substance in it, it would have been DOA. You prove my point that the Republicans vote with their leadership. The Democrats don't. Why is that? Votes like that of Murkowski and Collins are tokens. You know that if their votes are needed, they tow the party line. The Republicans convinced their base that Donald Trump was the second coming and that the election was stolen and incited thousands of them to storm the capital to end democracy was we know it. But yeah, it's impossible for the Democratic leadership to convince people to vote for like health care and gun reform and all that other radical leftist agenda nonsense.
You tell me. Since Biden knows how this all works and he got the gun bill passed. Those were your words. *He* got 10 Republicans to vote for it, right? Why can't he get 2 Democrats and or a Republican to vote for an abortion bill? You're trying to both sides this. If he gets credit for getting the gun bill passed, he should then receive criticism for not getting the abortion bill passed.
Has Schumer been able to get his entire party to align with him? He has been in the Senate since 1999. Overturning Roe v. Wade is the only thing the Republicans have done in the past 40 years? Biden got the "gun bill" passed, but it's not Biden's fault he can't get his own party to codify abortion? He can't get Collins and Murkowski to vote with him, though they are supposedly pro choice? Biden has it all figured out, yet here we are.
This has been in the works since the '80's. I don't know why anyone is acting surprised. I have little faith that the Democrats can capitalize on any of this. They still don't get the game has changed. They can't get any kind of unified message. When you have Joe Biden praising Mitch McConnell, how can anyone expect to get anything done? While Biden was a no brainer over Trump, his time has passed, along with Pelosi, Schumer, etc. They need to pass the torch to the next generation who gets how this all works.
That's bullshit...how convenient of you to forget the brave African American security guard who was probably being paid $12/hr give his life to protect shoppers he didn't know in Buffalo...plenty of brave folks out there. Remember all the first responders who died on 9/11? The Uvalde police force are cowardly pussies. Probably couldn't be bothered to save a bunch of brown kids. if 19 of them were afraid of one teenager with a gun, maybe that should tell you something. Now they need security to protect themselves? Seriously, fuck them. Plenty of us healthcare workers put our lives on the line day after day and had to try and save assholes who insisted they didn't have Covid or that it was a hoax and not only had to worry about contracting the virus, but had to fear for our safety from all gun wielding Trumpturd assholes.
Why shouldn't I be able to protect my access to my health and life and that of my family? If you're a legal gun owner, why are you opposed to a background check, a waiting period, proper identification?
You think nothing can be done to prevent perfectly healthy already born children from being slaughtered because of "muh rights", so how are you different from Abbott? If Abbott didn't want kids to be shot, he could do something about. He chooses not to change gun laws. He chooses not to fund mental health initiatives. He's choosing to attend a fund raiser while the bodies of the children were still warm. He's choosing to support the NRA this weekend, instead of figuring out why the fucking trained good guys with guns sat there and did NOTHING while children begged for their lives. That's evil.
The guy let people fucking freeze to death for a buck. He's PAYING people to snitch on someone who will get an abortion, but will do nothing to prevent children from being shot. That isn't political, that's fucking evil.
By all means, define "mental health program". It's so sickening that this is the fall back, "mental health". Do tell as well, who is going to pay for all the "mental health programs"? A good friend of mine has a daughter who is schizophrenic. She sat in the psych ER for DAYS waiting for a bed to open up in a psych hospital. The parents are a physician and a CPA, so not a financial issue. The Trumprturds are treating mental health just like they are the LGBT community. They're acting like this is just all some new craze based on the lack of "god". When the reality is it's always been a thing. Just like the Republicans to call for a complicated vague solution and then vote against every program that would work to accomplish that.
Because Sandy Hook, Parkland, Buffalo and, and, and, weren't enough for them?
What leadership looks like. Systematically dismantling all the Republican talking points. In person, not on Twitter whining, not backing down, not being quiet, not allowing interruptions. Beautiful. Much, much more of this. I love how a few Supreme Court justices had their panties in a wad over some peaceful protesters at their homes, and boom, next day, congress acts. A few dozen kids get slaughtered, well... now isn't the time...
I get it now. Women just have to shoot their fetus with a gun and it's just the price of freedom and their Second Amendment rights. Am I "sighting" that correctly?
Unfortunately, as gruesome as it sounds, we need pictures, video, the injuries, the horror, the dead bodies of children, the gut wrenching wailing of the parents. It has to be shown non stop for days and days.
Credible news sources are dismissing it because it has been dismissed in the scientific community. Remember Hydroxychloroquine? The miracle cure, according to the Trumpturds. It was so great, Trump didn't take it when he got it. Oops. Then the sheep shifted to Ivermectin.
Admittedly, I don't know all the exact details of the bill, but I am fairly sure that there was no wording in the bill that specifically permitted third trimester abortions. My understanding is that it lifted the restrictions of current state laws that prohibited abortions at 6 weeks, etc, required ultrasounds, waiting periods, things like that. Again, virtually no one is in favor of third trimester abortions without the usual caveats. It's about going back to the previous status quo of Roe vs. Wade before fake Christians took over. Oblong is right. The rhetoric just keeps getting more extreme. Not even in favor of saving the mother's life, not in favor of exceptions for rape or incest, wanting to *save* ectopic pregnancies. Not interested in life at all.