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Everything posted by kdog

  1. Maybe they give Flaherty game 1 in Boston.
  2. Matt Manning hasn’t pitched since May 19th…since every beat writer tweeted this fact, I’m guessing he gets the second game.
  3. Pitching staff needs a day off...but not having a memorial day game sucks.
  4. If this is a season of evaluation, Mize needs the entire duration(innings limit) to figure it out. Tork has been healthy so we have data for evaluation purposes.
  5. A win for Joey Cora? A 50-50 send.
  6. If Carson Kelly at DH hitting fifth is your counter to a lefty starter, leave it on the spreadsheet.
  7. Setting up all of those carp and Greene pinch hitting chances that almost never come up. This is where Hinch’s adherence to platoon splits(with this current roster) is a little crazy. I agree with him on bullpen usage but not this.
  8. No game thread for todays game yet…it starts at 11:30 on Roku…both Greene and Carpy are out vs the lefty
  9. They are a little better this season. KC and Cleveland's crazy starts have skewed things a bit.
  10. I align with Hinch's philosophy. You use your best reliever in the highest leverage situation. If you can't get 3 outs later, you probably don't have enough guys...That's the Tigers current problem. Lange has been exiled, Chafin is up and down, Wentz and Faedo have both been roughed up recently. Even Foley has been less effective with the velocity coming down. There aren't any perfect choices.
  11. These look nice:
  12. From the Athletic(Cody S).
  13. Here is the Reds manager after an 8 game losing streak.
  14. The entire infield is substandard.
  15. The manager gave a very mealy mouthed answer on this decision.
  16. He cleaned up the semantics on the 'competitiveness' dialogue. They are trying hard and preparing...but as Hinch said they can't do anything to fastballs in the zone. That's the entire story.
  17. When you let your organization rot so long, it's going to take a few cracks at rebuilding to get it turned around. Harris better have stomach for what needs to be done. You can't half measure your way out of this.
  18. Englert taking a beating as expected. The pitching has imploded.
  19. I think they have; Nobody cares that Xfinity has cancelled Bally.
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