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Everything posted by kdog

  1. Offense hasn't set the tone all year.
  2. Losing streak gets broken tonight.
  3. Yankees have hit 29 homers, tigers have hit 8. Angels have a .441 slugging %…tigers have a .310 slugging. They are last in both leagues in homers, second to last in slugging. respectable 8th in the AL in obp. That’s walks and singles.
  4. Avila’s influence has been severely diminished. They overhauled the entire player development staff last year. But that takes years to fix. We are seeing now that the org did nothing when they started tanking. They just lost games and got high draft picks.
  5. ok Alexander is about to get knocked out the game here...I'll say final score 8-3. I'm done.
  6. The kings of singles.
  7. you could put the ball on a tee for half our lineup and they would swing and miss.
  8. Get Alexander up and out of here. He's an honorary Castro brother.
  9. Just give me a clean loss...decent pitching, no dumb defense. If the offense can't do anything, I accept it.
  10. 373 feet at 104 mph EV...launch angle of 35 degrees. Dodgers with the insurmountable lead.
  11. Laken Tomlinson is good. The lions abomination of an OL coach(Ron Prince) basically hated him. They traded him to a smart org in SF and he turned it a core guy for them. Now he signs a huge deal with the Jets. Lions ineptitude almost screwed another player.
  12. Take out the 13-0 game and they are barely over 2 runs/game. The offense will come eventually. The persistent problems with outfield defense are not getting fixed. Two of the guys are our best hitters. The infield defense and sloppiness will correct itself if the Castros don't play as much. But that depends on Jeimer and Schoop hitting.
  13. There's plenty of time for a 75 win season. If we are repeating 2021, it's just walking in place. I'm not sure you can really blame anyone aside from Avila and his boss. They decided on scorched earth tanking and nothing else. This is the end result.
  14. You can't bring him up to sit 5 days a week. And Hill is a better defender who makes more contact. Cameron doesn't have a role unless his bat plays.
  15. Hinch has not had a good start. But this is entirely about Avila's failure to develop everyday players outside of the tanking draft picks. They don't have any guys to fill in gaps when injuries come up. They revamped the entire development staff only last year and Avila's role is more ceremonial right now. Things have to be happening behind the scenes when you are tanking so you are ready to succeed when all the kids are ready. They did nothing. We are still playing the Castros, Vic Reyes, etc.
  16. The rebuild never got out of the starting block. You can't be a serious organization and play the Castros. Avila has already been marginalized. They are still bad. We just have to be patient.
  17. We have a 1945 offense lol....station to station where the train derails routinely.
  18. All singles offense.
  19. Baseball isn't a rant and rave emotional game. It's mostly about calculated execution. I'm sure Hinch and the players are pissed. But the guys they think are core players this year have been multiple factors below replacement level. I'm sure they'll turn it around after starting 10-25 or whatever. But they will have wasted any goodwill from the offseason.
  20. bases loaded and the guy with the best hitting approach on the team is at-bat. All you can ask for IMO.
  21. 62mph scorching grounder from Schoop.
  22. The barrel %...look away it's hideous.
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