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  1. Somethings gotta give.. turnover please.
  2. Does 0 on play clock not mean 0 anymore?
  3. 2 good teams banging it out... sit back and enjoy
  4. Broncos be the slump buster...
  5. Anyone have one of those funny sausage "links" that likes to watch football games?
  6. Amazing that anyone could call any president of the past forty or more years "human". They are all criminals. Have we found those WMDs yet? Every politician involved in greenlighting Iraq and Afghanistan should be in prison or worse. Responsible for killing millions, and for what? Now we are teetering on another BS war (that has far more potential to do some serious damage that we haven't seen since WW2). Most of them still hold some sort of office of power. And we just reelect them. No big deal. Nothing but a bunch of war mongers. Nothing but a bunch of liars. Incredible how short sighted we are as a society. As we bicker about some he said she said BS day to day. I'm just as guilty of it as anyone. In the meantime our tax dollars are being plundered, while our infrastructure is going to shit, people are starving and cant afford basic necessity's. Tent city's everywhere. Prices are skyrocketing... which is only going to further affect those who are already struggling and create more that will struggle. And its going to get worse. Our national media is an absolute shit show. Go out of their way to hide the truth for a salary. Hundreds of thousands can die of opioid addictions, drugs, obesity, etc.. all of which can be curbed to where it isn't a such a problem as it is now. All of which is ignored by many of us. But if some don't want to take an experimental vax, they should be striped of all their rights and shamed. All created by the same people who created the opioids. The only thing they care about is profit. From JB to LBJ our polices from home to abroad have been a complete disaster. All they do is create division amongst us, wars and poverty across the globe. But he said this, and he did that, and she's not playing along... when are we going to start peeling back that onion? Start calling out what the real issues are... When are we going to say, as a society that these BS wars need to stop. That these deadly drugs, that are made right in our backyard or easily brought across our border... need to stop. Our tax dollars being sent to some country that 90% of us never heard of so they can research dandelion patches and how they affect migratory birds. The people we elect do their damn jobs and create policy that helps us succeed as Americans instead of making their bank accounts bigger. When is there going to be some accountability for selling you, me and your neighbor out?
  7. far from being a newb. Great retort though.
  8. Orange man did it all the time. He's terrible. Brandon does and its fine, cause Orange man did it. How many mulligans does Brandon get till its not fine?
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