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Everything posted by HighOPS

  1. Just dropping by to congratulate Lorenzen on pitching the Porcello.
  2. Isn't a political favor at the state level worth a lot more than sex? I mean I don't really know the market for either but I'd think tens of thousands versus hundreds or something like that. If true this is not only corruption but bad corruption.
  3. Why do health insurance policies in Michigan cover autism care? Why didn't they have to do so 30 years ago? The empathy of the right extends as far as they can see.
  4. I do like Hazy. My best (worst?) experience at an all-inclusive was discovering Brugal XV on ice. Mrs. HighOPS tips above local conventions and so my glass never emptied. Amusingly at one pool I was ordering it as Brugal Quince and the bartender served it. A couple days later at the other pool I tried to order it and both bartenders looked confused. I guess it is really named after the letters (approx "Brugal Eckay Bay"). We had a good laugh.
  5. M43 or any Old Nation IPA. I obviously think society works better without the recent revisions on first amendment law by justices reflecting the values of those who appointed them. I would argue that my example is the opposite of extreme compared to allowing bias in the public sector We know from recent history that allowing private citizens to discriminate in the public sector is problematic and I'm shocked we are returning to it. I'd also argue that my example is less of a strawman argument than the reference to free speech. No one said someone can't protest to the board. But, clearly religious groups are behind most attempts to restrict LGBTQ focused materials in schools.
  6. What are the "sides" here? Whatever. I'll join whichever side opposes a Fundamentalist Christian Theocracy in the United States.
  7. Since sincerely held beliefs get you out of following important laws like equal accomodations for public businesses, they should get you out of less important laws as well. So, let me state that I believe I should be able to drink Two Hearted Ale anywhere, anytime. And I guarantee I believe this more than many Christians believe their faith. And I practice my belief more than many so-called faithful practice theirs. You might say these beliefs need to be 2000 years old (or maybe 150 if you want to include Mormons), but how long has beer been brewed? 5000 years? Beer drinkers deserve their accomodations more than all these young monothiest cults. Even Judaism is what only 3000 years old? Also, in case that guy hired to work Sundays wins his USPS case that he doesn't have to work Sundays, the cult of the Two Hearted has its Sabbath on Wednesdays.
  8. Were you workshopping Slo Joe and Beijing Biden? Neither has that Little Marco or Low Energy Jeb vibe. They don't have that direct, simple attack on traditional masculinity the MAGA faithful need. You still have another year and a half though. You can do it.
  9. I teach math. If you think understanding percentages and paying careful attention to the base (50% of people who are unvaccinated and get Covid get hospitalized vs. 50% of people hospitalized with Covid are unvaccinated) is in most American's wheelhouse you are mistaken. I wouldn't have been able to answer without a guess given those categories. I would have clearly thought below 10% but I would not have known without research how much below 10% it was.
  10. 23.1% of Californians are on Twitter and have blocked City Journal? I'm skeptical.
  11. Huh. All this time I thought laptop meant something different.
  12. Yep, we all know what happened in 1944 when the allies invaded at Pas de Calais.
  13. The AFT just passed a resolution supporting reproductive rights including access to abortion. That's not surprising given the general left lean of a labor union. What was surprising is that it was unanimous as we are not without our Fundamentalists. Perhaps some of the poignant, personal stories from fellow delegates caused them to change their minds or at least sit on their hands.
  14. Well, Katie has my vote any time. But, primaries are a messy way to choose a candidate. H. Clinton won the South. She would never win it in the generals. But, you don't want to disenfranchise Southern Democrats in the primaries. You could have said the same thing about New York a couple years (decades?) ago when the Republicans were a majority sane party.
  15. I have a strongly held belief that I should be able to drink Two Hearted Ale wherever I want. Am I now able to split a quarter barrel with my students after class as long as I don't make too big a deal about it? (Apologies for Twitter repeat for one or two of you)
  16. A larger house would also make it less important which apportionmwnt method they used to decide which state gets the last couple reps.
  17. Dilute it. Change the House size to 2000 members.
  18. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were so fond of that strawman.
  19. Nonsmokers, smokers; drinkers, non-drinkers; sexually promiscuous, monogamous, asexual; gay, bi- and straight people should all take COVID precautions.
  20. [Note to self] Don't ask smr-nj what she had for lunch until 2022
  21. Chinese troll account. We are honored that, in fact, it's the premier's wife hiding under a simple anagram asking for our submission: Cow, if Ms. Xi
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