So you didn't read it fully, that's fine and obvious at some point expand your horizons.
I don't need to ask the construction workers in Iraq but the emotional response was fantastic, well done. And, expected was just curious who would be the one but love the construction example offered.
My two oldest boys have been working on roofs in FLorida for several years now and surprisingly, to you obviously, there are numerous ways to deal with working in high heat climates. Even if you are a construction worker in Iraq. My 23yr old spent two weeks on the roof of the Orlando Airport earlier this year when temperatures were spiking in the region. It was hard work, but they have policies in place on how to work in extreme temperatures that work, proven to work.
I have spent over 35yrs in construction and worked on some of the largest overhead glazing projects in the US over the last few decades. Heat is an issue, yet, there are ways to deal with and work successfully in these type climates and companies have been doing for a long time. The article spends time on adaption policies and their impacts.