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Everything posted by TheWordIsBird

  1. “In the Parker” sure is, and this was such a fun, late night moment to experience live (for this ESTer who stayed up late for this game). This catch saved the game. We were clinging to a 3-2 lead in the bottom of the 8th, and this would’ve been a two-run bomb by Raleigh. Additionally, Benetti’s call was spectacular as usual (“he planted, he jumped, and he made himself into a poster!”). I can’t wait for more Parker Meadows OF thievery in 2025.
  2. On a related note, I decided on coconut chicken curry soup with toasted bread for dinner tonight. I burned the first round of toast and despite cranking open the windows, our kitchen still smells like the Tigers’ 2002 season (or Jeremy Bonderman’s first innings, if you will) a few hours later.
  3. I wish him the best (unless he did something bad to someone), but I hope that this spells the end of Monroe in the booth. I liked him on pregame and around the ballpark during the game (prior to him being over promoted into PxP on Bally), but found him very hard to take as an analyst during tv broadcasts. He just wore me out (for several reasons). At any rate, that’s just my opinion and we’ll see what happens, but the “Any further questions should be directed to Craig” line makes me feel as though his time with Bally (and the Tigers) may be coming to a close.
  4. I’m just glad Tork didn’t go “oppo” with that dinger.
  5. Ughhhhhhhhh. He did it.
  6. Don’t do it, C-Mo! Don’t do it!
  7. I do, too — and you just know that it’ll never go away (much like C-Mo being a fixture in the Tigers TV booth). Every time we hit a hanging breaking ball over the wall the rest of this season (and in the next few decades with C-Mo in the booth), there’s a strong likelihood that we’ll hear it most of the time.
  8. Yeah, C-Mo (for example) is knocking Benetti down a notch when paired with him. C-Mo’s excited, cheese grater growl voice strikes C-Mo (and in turn, us) too early and far too often in broadcasts. It’s all I can do to hang in there with it some games (especially if we’re down several runs late in a game — I’ll frequently throw Dan Dickerson on then). Anymore, I occasionally will find myself growling at the tv set every few minutes — it’s my way of coping, I suppose. The endless mispronunciations, the heavy inhalations directly into the mic, the annoying “Bye-eee”s, “Mile Powers”, “You hang it, we bang it”s — these all just add to the chaos. On a positive (?) note, at least C-Mo isn’t growling Shep’s, “Wears a crown” line this season — that appears to have died with Shep.
  9. Future AAA baseball folk hero, Spencer “Toledo” Torkelson.
  10. “Staaaaahp itttt”. No, you stop it, C-Mo. You get up to one “Oppo Taco”, and “you hang it, we bang it” per game. That’s it. Not countless of each. You’re ruining the Benetti buzz with your repeated growlings, man.
  11. I almost feel bad for Toledo Tokerson at this point.
  12. No C-Mo in the booth today, thank goodness. I will greatly enjoy not having to hear him intensely inhale 172x today before speaking/growling about something. 🙂
  13. Thom Brennaman redemption tour? I’ve always enjoyed him on the call in any sport, but particularly his time in the baseball booth with the Reds. Of course, he also comes the type of baggage that most organizations would shy away from in this current landscape. I wonder if he’ll ever see a MLB or NFL booth again.
  14. This is suddenly all I can think about right now, and it would cut deep if he were to go into the Hall as an Astro. That said, I’d rather that JV get traded to a contender than to have to hear Jeimer Candelario’s name again for the rest of 2023 (after just skimming through the posts over the past couple of days). Damn it, though, I really dislike JV back in Houston.
  15. Shep, please quit saying “tonight”. It’s a day game, you booger. Do you suppose that he refers to lunch as “dinner” or “supper”?
  16. Tigers fan for four decades. This is the ugliest, least inspiring Tigers baseball that I’ve ever seen. Mercy. Sorry Al (Kaline). Sorry Ernie. Sorry Sparky. Sorry baseball fans everywhere.
  17. Don’t worry everyone. Pizza Boy has….wait….
  18. Shep (on Riley’s running catch on the warning track): “…as he feels the crackling sound under his spikes”. Feels the sound. Shep. 🤪
  19. Unfortunately, your father is the Tigers’ GM (hardy har har), and I don’t see him being savvy enough to identify and pull-off this type of “good” trade, let alone two. Having said that, I definitely agree that we need a couple more bats (and then another couple after that), and I’d be all for inquiring on Miggy Andujar and Florial.
  20. Welcome back to this dimension, GOAT. 😯
  21. Prediction: we never see another homer by Grossman as a Tiger. Ahh…we’ll always have 2021.
  22. We’re on the verge of the Jeimer Knoblauch era, aren’t we?
  23. Kody Clemens down in Toledo watching Harold Castro morph into a modern day George Brett…
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