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Everything posted by Longgone

  1. Other teams just cut players, like Green Bay did with Aaron Jones. It happens all the time. Players want to stay and play in Detroit. And the Lions may not spend their cap how you want them to, but they will spend it.
  2. No, but in the NFL it's understood, you generally get an up front bonus and some guarantee, but you know the non guaranteed portion is open ended.
  3. No one is coerced, it's a purely logical thing, a reflection on non guaranteed contracts and changing conditions.
  4. You are way too sensitive about what someone says. He's always been like that and the Lions have no issues with it.
  5. Actually, Duce is perfect for this team. Simmons, Gilmore, Zietler are all fading.
  6. DJ Reader is the only one I'd get too excited about, if healthy, and that's a big if.
  7. Who are you going to trust, us or ****ing Spotrac.
  8. Sure, plus, as things stand, they are likely to get a 3/4 for the loss of Jackson. If they had signed a pricey cornerback instead of the trade, that would have offset that.
  9. Name a cornerback in the NFL who doesn't get dinged up, there are damned few.
  10. Davis is very talented, he can cover anybody, he's just been inconsistent the last couple of years, likely due to injuries, he plays hard.
  11. They were playing him at nickel because of who else they had, he's better outside.
  12. Pretty much, I like the "Holmes" strategy. I'd hoard draft picks and keep pumping young blood into the system. No problem splurging on a free agent who really fits, but give up premium draft capital and pay a premium salary for one player, no.
  13. One given in the NFL is that players get hurt, especially older, skilled players. So, unless it's a quarterback, investing draft capital AND a huge percentage of your payroll to one player, seems like a poor strategy.
  14. So state your case with other than vacuous ********, and then double down with more ********, that would be fine.
  15. You know, It's difficult to argue with a guy who's too stubborn to admit he's full of ****. Baez actually led the AL in range factor in '22, and led the NL in '21, and he was 5th in all of baseball last year.
  16. They are out of date and they are a poor measure of defensive ability. If you are going to state a case, at least use factors with some validity.
  17. The sixties wants to make a point.
  18. Tater said, "they're always going to take the talent that grades out higher. " You said, nope, wrong, he was confused. He was exactly correct.
  19. It is exactly correct. You are confused. The Lions will take the highest graded player, their grades having factored in all values, including positional value (to them), character, work ethic, etc.
  20. Probably want a faster, more explosive, athletic bender, then.
  21. Sort of similar, in attributes and role, to Cominsky and Paschal
  22. I wouldn't want to give up the draft pick for a one year rental at this stage for the Tigers. Sure, draft picks are lottery tickets, but that makes more sense at this point.
  23. Reread that and underline the parts "Bauer said", as I stated previously, her basic problem was degree of consent and no corroborating witnesses. The basic facts of Bauer's behavior are beyond dispute, whether or not the woman was motivated by financial gain, or provided misleading testimony.
  24. You are falling for a very carefully biased and incomplete narrative promulgated by the Bauer camp.
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