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Everything posted by Longgone

  1. Pretty much every team has the majority of their pool money committed, not only for this year but several years into the future. Reneging on any of those deals would not be well received by the “buscones”, in any case, it’s not going to be who can scrape up the most money who gets him, it’s going to be the perceived environmental factors.
  2. Why would anyone ever expect that? There’s no reason they can’t provide accurate and interesting information for the edification of their fans.
  3. Pumping up prospects for what purpose and what audiences? Most of what is known about prospects is well known within the industry and can be shared with fanbases. There may be some proprietary methods and processes that wouldn’t be shared, but that’s all. No team is going to use “hype” for making decisions.
  4. There’s no reason for a team not to provide accurate information. What, do you think, other organizations are going to base their decisions on anything other than their own staff?
  5. That’s the best place to get it. They know these players best.
  6. He had a shoulder injury he has not fully recovered from
  7. They are not moving Keith to first
  8. It means Tork is in, and they have options around the infield
  9. I get the sentiment, but it’s way too early in the offseason to be making judgments. I will say this offseason should establish what kind of gm we can expect out of Harris/Greenberg. Personally, I like the drafting and player development so far and see glimmers on the international front. Trades and free agents so far seem cautious and particular.
  10. Game samples are too small, and competition too variable for spring stats to actually be indicative of performance. There are many other ways and means for players to show their competitive advantage. You simply can’t look at spring stats and say one player is a better fit than another. It’s futile.
  11. Showing you are better prepared to compete compared to your competitors matters. Actual stats in spring training games matters very little.
  12. More likely than a salary cap
  13. The players will never agree to it and they don’t need a salary cap, the just need to equally distribute media revenues.
  14. It wasn’t full identity theft, just the “h”?
  15. He’s fine if he’s the 25th or 26th man.
  16. Excellent job, Eddie
  17. I don’t think being a great athlete is all that important to play quarterback in today’s nfl. If you can read defenses and get the ball out quickly, accurately and on time, you can be successful. If you depend on running, you just get hurt. The problem is those traits are hard to evaluate in college.
  18. Why do people feel compelled to make rigid statements like this? No one knows yet. Player development is not often linear. We shall see.
  19. Yes, I was just noting his propensity to chase is nothing new and not caused by his physical issues, he’s always done that. It’s his inability to drive balls that he can reach that is the problem, and that may be related to his injury.
  20. To be fair, he always swung at those, and was pretty successful.
  21. I tend to think Tork will be fine, considering his talent and work ethic, on the other hand, baseball is a ruthless, fickle bitch.
  22. Read what I wrote. No one has encouraged him to change his actual swing, so there is nothing to resist. His stance and lower body mechanics and approach, yes, and he has been diligent in working on those aspects.
  23. You’re reading too much into random comments. No one has encouraged changes to his actual swing. They have encouraged changes to his lower body mechanics and his approach, which he has been diligent about.
  24. Soto is a top hitter, but not a very good defender, and he is a sub par athlete who probably won’t age well. Probably be a dh soon, players of his skill set tend to lose bat speed as they age. Great player, but not without concerns.
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