12 Random thoughts......
Sweeney ain't gonna make it.
Jobe needs to be here.
McKinstry is going nowhere.
Major 40 man turnover incoming.
Why does Foley go to a full count on every batter?
Carpenter and Torkelson will be moved this off season
Jace Jung is gonna be really good.
Malloy needs more Toledo.
Andrew Navigato should be here.
Gage Workman should be here.
Kevin McGonIgle is gonna be really good.
If Max Clark gets his power game going, he'll be the best player in baseball when he's here.
2027. We are improving up the middle with Clark, McGonigle, Rainer, Lee, good depth at catcher. We're gonna need some power in addition to develop our young pitching. We're gonna be good. But I am not sure Ilitch will ever spend. Hoping he sells soon.