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  1. Really because the defense just defended him successfully. Seems pretty defensible by definition.
  2. You route for that. Good luck with that. I will route for no one bringing a skate board to a gun fight. I'll also route for a mob not chasing an armed 17 year old around. Legally he more or less had the right to have a weapon, was not an immediate danger to anyone until he was attacked. Contrary to what the idiot prosecutor said he does not have to just take a beating. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/prosecutor-rittenhouse-should-have-let-mob-attack/
  3. No one is useful here. Its a freaking internet message board.... You are just pouty that your echo chamber safe space is being disturbed.
  4. So you see a guy running with the gun pointed towards the ground and your response to save your life is to chase after him and try to disarm him. Pretty sure most people who are not a moron would run in the opposite freaking direction if they thought he was a threat. Clearly that didn't work out so well for them.
  5. You have nothing to bring up but Jan 6th because nothing is going well in America under the Democrats. 25 people were killed at least during the BLM protest. But where is the effort to lock up the looters, people hunting down folks on social media, etc? Must distract from plunging poll numbers and runaway inflation at all cost!!!
  6. Settle down Zuckerberg
  7. LULZ this is the best you can come up with. Dude is being chased by a mob. What do you think happens when you try to "disarm" someone with a gun?
  8. Y'all need to get laid more and drink more booze if you are discussing politics over dinner.
  9. https://www.rt.com/usa/541019-white-house-lockdown-plans/
  10. Sucks you lived a sad powerless life.
  11. Clearly running away.
  12. That is not realistic at all actually. Unless Chris is going to start tossing out money like his daddy, there are to many holes on the roster even if they sign a top level SS.
  13. Neither should be taken as the first pick of the draft. I like them both but Lions need to understand positional value is a thing. Taking a DT in the second and third round last year was stupid given all the holes on the roster. I get building through the tranches but back to back top 3 round picks on DT isn't smart.
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