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Deleterious last won the day on January 9

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  1. Locked on Pistons had Keith Smith on as a guest. He is a cap guru on Twitter. Here is what he said about Beasley returning next season. He said the Pistons will be over the cap. Which means they can sign him for $7.2M which he said wont be enough. Or they can use the full MLE on him which is about $14M. He said only two teams project to have cap space this summer. Washington and Brooklyn, so neither one is a real big threat to sign Beasley. He said other non-tax paying teams are the threat, the other teams with the full $14M MLE to spend. He specifically mentioned Houston. He said both LA teams could be under the tax line, also OKC. Good teams that can offer the same amount of money would worry me.
  2. Where was this when he was here?
  3. Curious to see how the tariffs play out. Other than that I don't expect much different with the new boss.
  4. Growth spurt the past 4 years.
  5. I'm not picky. I will make fun of whichever fanbase loses.
  6. Someone called into the CSPAN coverage of the inauguration.
  7. This or the two Knick games in MSG. I think KAT sat out the first one though.
  8. I like **** talking Cade.
  9. Huge win to start a tough road trip and end the mini losing streak. It's all about Cade. He plays well and they are competitive with most teams.
  10. I like JB going with Holland and Thompson here. Up 12 with under 5 minutes left they don't need offense.
  11. Great pass by Holland. Sasser having a nice game. Bench has played well while Cade has been out.
  12. Pistons up 10 to start the fourth. Cade has 32.
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