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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. I wouldn't mind tossing an offer his way.
  2. Might need some new decision makers.
  3. BTW Reaves max is lower because he's only been in the league two years.
  4. Free agents are expensive.
  5. It blows my mind how many fans are perfect OK giving Johnson $30M a year. If the cap does come in at $136M next year his max contract would be $34M per year. Cam Johnson should never, and I mean never, be approaching max contract territory. $18M is his ceiling IMO.
  6. Saw something on Reddit yesterday. A guy had his identical twin brother listed in his phone as Spare Parts.
  7. Since the rumors are so strong about making an offer to Cam Johnson. Some info on restricted free agents. RFA's are eligible for sign and trades, but it has to happen before they sign an offer sheet. Once they sign the offer sheet they are no longer eligible for a S&T. Once an offer sheet is signed the original team has 24 hours to match or decline. During that 24 hour period our cap space used in the offer would be frozen, meaning we cant use it. If the original team matches we get the space back. If they dont, obviously the space is used up on our new player.
  8. Ausar was in Houston today for his brothers press conference. Nice of Houston and Detroit to stagger them so both could attend. I just realized for their entire career we are going to hear how unhappy Ausar is and wants to force a trade to Houston to play with his brother
  9. Sounds like Beilein will not be retained.
  10. Originally he said he would play. Spurs were like, Nope. Doesn't matter, this is a qualifying tournament for the Olympics. France is hosting the Olympics so they auto qualify.
  11. That is pretty interesting since Europe has so many professional leagues. Spain in particular has the ACB which most consider the 2nd best domestic league after the NBA and third best league overall after the NBA and Euroleague.
  12. Like JEIII just said. This is probably about what Stew will get.
  13. I keep having visions of Duren grabbing the defensive board. Outlet to Cade who pushes it up the middle of the floor with Ivey and Ausar running both wings.
  14. The absolute worst thing you can do is sign a marginal role player like Brown right after he wins a title. That dude is about to get overpaid in a big way.
  15. I didn't think The Bear could top season 1. I was so wrong.
  16. I think it is the wrong time for this team to go all in on free agency. We have no clue what Cade, Ivey, and Ausar are even going to be in a few years. Even the role players like Duren and Stewart are unknowns at this point, well maybe not Stewart so much. I will sign just about anyone to a 1 or 2 year deal. Those never handicap you. But you start talking 3 or 4 years and 20%-25% of our cap? Nope. It would have to be such a clear home run free agent pickup for me to commit to that. But no way am I giving a guy like Cam Johnson 4/$120m which is what people are saying they would give him. This team is full of kids who need to develop. Let that happen for the next 2 or 3 years then start to go big in free agency. For one, if those kids do develop it will be easier and cheaper to attract free agents here. And two, we will know what skills those guys developed or more importantly, didn't develop. Then you can use free agency to shore up areas we are lacking in. All the ingredients for the chili are in the pot. This is where you let it simmer for an hour or two and see what flavors develop. Then you start to adjust your seasoning. I also value flexibility. Every year there is some team(s) looking to clear cap space to make some move. I like keeping some space to help those teams. Let them park a bad deal on our roster for a year and pick up a draft pick for doing so.
  17. Amount of games Cam Johnson has played per season: 57 60 (Covid years so only 72 game season) 66 42
  18. Duncan starring in a reboot of Sons of Anarchy.
  19. Twice now I saw an interview with who I thought was Ausar and it turned out to be Amen. Damn twins.
  20. WTF? https://www.inquirer.com/sports/sixers-trade-rumors-tobias-harris-20230624.html
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