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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. With F1 wanting to expand in America, how do you say no to Cadillac? Small possibility something like this also makes Ford want to jump in. I suppose Chevy as well. Headquarters will be at the new facility the Andretti's are building in Indianapolis.
  2. Antoine Walker was way ahead of the game.
  3. The increased 3PT shooting has a bigger impact on scoring than any defensive changes. When the 04 Pistons won teams shot 14 3 pointers per game. Today they shoot 34 per game. Those teams had to guard 20 feet in, now you have to guard 30 feet in. It opens things up so much. The ability to drive, the ability cut and pass, the defensive can't help as much.
  4. Yeah no. He straight up shot those guys then tried to play it off as he was "celebrating".
  5. Donovan Mitchell had 71 points tonight. 22-34 from the field. 7-15 from three. 20-25 from the line.
  6. Tulane with the great comeback.
  7. We should get those guys on the same team.
  8. Most of these kids do not have anyone to show them the financial ropes. I was lucky and both my grandpa and father were into investing and I learned a lot from both of them. Not just markets, but saving, not using credit cards, keeping a good credit score, etc. Most of you seem financially literate. If you know a young person I would encourage you to take a few minutes and talk to them a bit about finances. Tell them how having bad credit costs you a lot of money in the long run. Don't use payday loans, don't buy cars from "We finance anyone" lots, don't finance phones or even buy a new phone ever 18 months. Get that six month emergency fund. If your employer matches 401k contributions, its free money risk free. If they don't have a 401k then tell them about IRA's. We started to offer a 401K in the last year. I found a 401K calculator online and entered some very conservative numbers. Starting at age 30 with $0 and retiring at 65, making $45,000 a year contributing 10% with 3% match and 6% return on average you will have over $900,000 when you retire. I put it into Excel and printed off 400 copies and passed them out to each employee. They were blown away at the amount of money they would have. When I go into work now I get more questions about finances than I do actual work. These kids are not dumb and they are definitely not lazy. Not everyone had a grandpa and/or dad to teach them these things. They want to learn and are willing to learn. Their elders (us) have just failed them miserably.
  9. Drops the Cowboys because of Jones being in a picture 70 years ago. Only to become a Browns fan and support Watson?
  10. The current line is Georgia -13.5.
  11. All sorts of good stuff tonight. This guy compiled financial metrics for 8,000 different stocks and put it in Google Sheets. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LW3ANuUQikTQl07I-5GzPpVmaH_YjJNJ/edit#gid=602669186
  12. Last 5 games he has had a 50 point game, a 60 point game, and now a 51 point game. He had 32 and 35 in the other two.
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