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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. Bates with a 29 point game. Looked up his season stats and he is averaging 21.5 PPG on OK shooting. But man, he averages 2.3 TO's and only .9 assists per game. Seems like if you play 33 mpg and have the ball that much you should at least average 1 assist per game.
  2. Georgia is way ahead of the field. I'm guessing they will be -110/-115 to win it all. Usually with four teams everyone has positive odds.
  3. Not a single game worth watching. Georgia beats Ohio by double digits, Michigan does the same to tcu and Georgia does it to Michigan. Sad.
  4. Intel is also building one in Arizona. You are right that it takes a ton of water but it doesn't use much water if that makes sense. I saw it compared to a swimming pool. It takes a lot initially but once you fill it you don't need a lot of water to continue. They recycle and reuse the water. I also read Arizona is a favorite place because they rarely have natural disasters. So they don't have to have the same safety precautions you will in places with tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, etc.
  5. I would put Alabama as a favorite against any of these teams not named Georgia
  6. I think they bump OSU to #3 for the highest rated playoff game ever.
  7. I think Buick City was 250 acres and the largest before RR came along. You would drive past it on 475 and it seems like it went for miles. But I was a kid then. As far as Apple goes. They are only moving some production out of China so it won't take that long. They already have plants in India so it's possible they have production capacity there. Oddly enough, Apple's new 4nm chip will be manufactured at the new TSMC fab in Arizona.
  8. I guess they can take down the suicide nets. Apple Makes Plans to Move Production Out of China
  9. Speaking of Durant. The Nets seem to have things turned around a bit. Same with the Lakers.
  10. The people falling for this crap is pretty amazing.
  11. Are those FG net ads transparent? Or do people sitting behind the net just miss every FG/XP?
  12. Anyone else having issues with the tv feed? I seem to be getting a replay of last weeks game in Columbus.
  13. $4.4b in profits through Q3 2022 for BNSF (Berkshire owns them). Can't hire some extra conductors at $110,000 a year. OK so employees actually cost more than their yearly salary. Most use 20%-25% of base pay to get the true cost. So lets go high and say 25% which would be $137,500. Lets go even further and say a nice $150,000. Hiring 500 more conductors at $150,000 a year would cost BNSF $75,000,000. They have made $4.4b through 3 quarters. That would drop to $4.325b. Fucking cocksuckers.
  14. A Mack truck just scored a TD.
  15. I looked up Durant's age this summer when he requested a trade. I was shocked he was about to turn 34.
  16. They passed the deal Biden negotiated. 24% raise over 5 years plus 1 extra paid sick day. It did absolutely nothing to address the problems the unions were fighting against. The biggest problem is they have cut the workforce by 30% over the past few years. So you are constantly working and even when not working you are on call 24/7 which means you can't plan anything.
  17. Another good game from Bates. I would guess FIU is not good competition.
  18. Next year's Chinese GP has been cancelled due to covid restrictions in China. It was supposed to run in April.
  19. I feel bad for those rail unions. Pay all those dues and your one pressure point is taken away from you. And I don't blame Congress for that. You can't punish 350m people for 100,000 workers. But why can't Congress stick it to the railroads instead of the workers?
  20. Yeah it's really backwards. The Fed had said they want wages to go down and unemployment to go up. Which seems dumb but that is how to stop inflation, unfortunately.
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