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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. Embiid has been in the league 9 years, 11 if you count the first 2 he didn't play. This will only be the 20th game he has played against Detroit.
  2. Read an interesting stat today. Luxury tax teams pay into a pool and that pool is distributed to the non-tax paying teams. It was projected that each team was going to receive between $18 and $19 million this year. With all the trades made to lower tax bills teams now expect to receive between $11 and $12 million.
  3. He should have been moved if a first was offered.
  4. The league promoting Cade.
  5. Heads up. Tonight's game is on ESPN.
  6. 4th year for each player
  7. I'm shocked teams are interested in Ben Simmons after he gets bought out.
  8. Meanwhile, Zach Lowe still doesn't have a job and I have to read his thoughts on Instagram.
  9. Will he be arriving via the underground railroad?
  10. This should shut up the be patient and collect assets crowd. How many useless 2nd rounders does a team need?
  11. Well, they got Cade a little help assuming the Brooklyn version shows up. The Golden State version might not be any help.
  12. I don't know. Knecht hasn't been that good and that Laker pick will probably be low. Probably not.
  13. Pistons?
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