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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. Netflix reports tomorrow. Tesla on Wednesday.
  2. OK that last scene was a bit much and sort of reminds me a bit of season 8. It was basically, have Meleys roast all the Greens and avoid a huge war. Or have a season 2. If you aren't going to kill the Greens there, just fade to black with Aegon raising his sword in the air. Why even bother having Rhaenys bust in on Meleys? Really good episode other than that nitpick.
  3. 538 released their predictions. They have Detroit winning 23 games. First link is the entire league, second is the Pistons. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2023-nba-predictions/ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2023-nba-predictions/pistons/
  4. Is that papaya? Maybe he is a McLaren fan.
  5. It isn't a good NASCAR race without some pushing and shoving afterwards.
  6. My two complaints. Why carry a gun if its not on you and why carry without one chambered? BASKETBALL STAR EMONI BATES EMOTIONAL PHONE CALL WITH MOM ... During Gun Arrest
  7. Clippers unveiling new direct-to-consumer viewing option
  8. Your first sentence is complaining about our C's getting dragged away from the paint. That is modern basketball and has nothing to do with Casey. Outside of the times you play Denver and Philly, a C wont be playing in the paint much. That is why I assumed you were complaining about new basketball. And Golden State has won 4 titles running the exact defense Casey runs. OK they don't switch 100% of the time, but they also don't run out a bunch of rookies and young players. Almost all younger teams will switch everything since it is so much easier. His offense is bad. His ATO plays are brutal. How do you run an inbounds play at the end of a game and not set a single screen? Basically all of this exact stuff was said about him in Toronto. He had Siakim, VanVleet, and OG as young players and they all turned out fine, and probably above where most figured they would end up. I see that path here as well. Casey builds the foundation and then another coach comes in to finish the job. Install more complicated defenses/offenses and build off the foundation Casey built. But if they fired him today I wouldn't be upset. Especially if it was to bring in someone like Atkins.
  9. A&M if they give Fisher $90M to walk away.
  10. Sounds like you want 1987 basketball back. As an old guy, I totally understand. But the days of C's playing in the paint are over. Well, except in Minnesota I guess.
  11. These are going to be a lot more expensive than listed because of the salary cap tax.
  12. Which young guy do you feel hasn't developed as he should? I think most are on track for what they projected to be.
  13. This is such an easy fix. Just bang RB for some points, some from each driver. Not enough to make Max lose the WDC or the team lose the constructors. But enough to make a statement. I guess the problem is it might drop Perez a spot in the WDC.
  14. It is. I think his name is Gino in that episode.
  15. I like the scene in Sopranos when Chris shoots that kid in the foot. It's a nice call back to Goodfellas. Kid: You shot me in the foot! Chris: It happens.
  16. Chris better warn Spider that Pesci is gonna shoot him.
  17. So this would have been Bates first year eligible for the draft. Him, Scoot, and Victor would have made one of the best top 3 prospects ever if he had lived up to the hype.
  18. I figured he was fine on the unregistered weapon. But they can get a little squirrely sometimes when the serial number is filed off. I thought they might stick it to him on that. Felony charges against former top recruit Emoni Bates to be dismissed
  19. Who knew inflation was so good for the market.
  20. No fan of Casey, but has he really performed below expectations considering the rosters he has been given?
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