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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. So dangerous. Especially in low visibility.
  2. Sort of a cluster. Nobody knew he had won the WDC till well after the race. Even with everyone saying Leclerc would get a penalty, they still said Max didn't get enough points to clinch the title. Well, he did.
  3. Pretty sure Leclerc will get a penalty there.
  4. Just received an email rescheduling our washer and dryer delivery for tomorrow. Why let me schedule it if you cant fulfill it.
  5. Victor was going #1 before these two games and is going #1 after. The real winner this week was Steeve Ho You Fat. The amount of people in the US ordering jerseys with "Ho You Fat" on the back. I hope Ho You Fat gets a piece of each sale.
  6. You watch NEB-RUT and wonder how did the Big Ten get $7B in TV money. It really is entirely built on Michigan and OSU with a side helping of PSU thrown in.
  7. I forgot to look today. But yesterday it was $4.49.
  8. Green totally baited him. But you can't put hands on another man and not be ready to be hit. I am guessing Poole is not well liked. The players mostly just stand there and coaches coming flying in to check on him.
  9. Wiggins was probably considered the best prospect since Lebron.
  10. I kind of like when they are in Japan. I can watch CFB all day tomorrow and transition right into the race at 1AM. Qualifying tonight at 2AM.
  11. Man was I born in the wrong era. Although, I did have a Dukes of Hazzard Big Wheel.
  12. I forgot Imeka Udoka is involved with Nia Long. She played Lisa (Wills girlfriend) on Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
  13. Those are small potatoes compared to Thailand. A man there shot and killed 37 people yesterday.
  14. The first website to ever offer Bitcoin for sale went online 13 years ago today. You could buy 1,309 Bitcoin for $1.
  15. And people wonder why I drive an older car. Auto Loan Interest Rates Climb to Highest Level Since 2019 in Q3, According to Edmunds
  16. You would be right to be concerned and my money is on him having a short career because of it. But he is so good you just have to accept it. This is why I said the team getting #2 might be the actual winner here. You miss out on a great talent but don't have to deal with his injury concerns. And as a consolation prize you get Scoot Henderson who would easily go #1 most other years.
  17. He was always going #1. But it was still nice to see him do it against some guys that will be in the league in a year or two. I guess dominating Chet in the U19 tournament last year should count for something as well.
  18. And hopefully not hurt before training camp.
  19. Preseason basketball is the most worthless thing in sports. Every year multiple guys across the league put up big numbers and never get off the bench in regular season. Good play, bad play. It means nothing.
  20. All the info regarding team budgets was supposed to be released today. Even if there isn't shenanigans, people will claim there are when you lack transparency like this.
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