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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. Nah, he still has issues. Out of shape and doesn't play defense.
  2. ESPN finished their top 100 list. The top 5 were: 5: Steph 4: Embiid 3: Luka 2: Jokic 1: Giannis
  3. My credit union offers super saver tiers. The top rate requires a savings account balance of over $250,000 and it only pays 0.35%. They do offer a type of account with zero minimum balance but require you to use their debit card 12 times a month. That pays 2.96%. The saver has been eliminated in the past 30 years.
  4. No shock here. The guy is 21st in a 20 spot grid. Nyck de Vries has run one race and has more points.
  5. They also said his future with the team will be decided at a later date. So the possibility of being fired is still there. The guy the Celtics named as his interim replacement has domestic violence charges against him.
  6. If he was a trade chip he would have been sent to a contender now. Skill wise all contenders would want him but his contract makes it pretty difficult to do. Most contenders are 2-3 guys eating up 90%-110% of the cap and the rest of the roster filled in by guys on the MLE, vet minimums, or cheap rookie deals. It would be hard for them to trade off $19M in salary to obtain him.
  7. I brought this up a few months ago. Housing prices will remain high if nobody wants to sell and get off of their insanely low interest rate. After Years of Low Mortgage Rates, Home Sellers Are Scarce
  8. I love fan forums. Just cruising around some Utah sites and they think Kelly is basically Wilt with Birds jumper.
  9. Well, they can definitely use his shooting. They gave up less than nothing to get him and he is expiring. But he plays zero defense and is going to be 34 this year. Somewhat shocked Utah couldn't flip him to a contender for a pick.
  10. They said the league is not involved. Sounds like he banged the wrong person.
  11. That makes me question the process in theory. Like you said, everyone knew it was bare minimum 75bps. So why the big downturn.
  12. ‘House of the Dragon’ Averaging 29 Million Viewers Per Episode, Audience Rises 3% in Week 5 (EXCLUSIVE)
  13. ESPN ranked the current top 100 players. Cade landed at #35. NBArank 2022: Ranking the best players for 2022-23, from 100 to 26
  14. I call BS. It would be really hard to find future employment if you were caught doing this. Report: Arizona State staffers were leaking info to help opponents, get Herm Edwards fired
  15. Getting rid of one and done would be a front burner issue for me. Then a total revamp of t he G-League system. Give teams the tools they need to develop younger players. I have no clue how that actually looks though. At least an extra round in the draft. Some sort of roster that is 20-22 players big with 15 on the NBA roster and the rest on your G-League team roster. Give teams a few years of control over young players so there is incentive to develop them. Just copy/steal from hockey and baseball since both have decent minor league systems. Less French players. Smaller regular season schedule. Expand the playoffs to offset the lost money from less reg season games. Possibly some expansion of the playin games. I don't know. Do away with conferences for playoff seeding.
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