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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. Current FedWatch odds on a 75/100bps hike is 78%/22%. I wouldn't be totally shock if they bang us for a 100bps hike and then chill until after the midterms.
  2. Mortgage rates are now over 6%. I imagine that is still below historical levels.
  3. Most likely an investment. Real estate is arguably the best investment anyone can make. Especially if you use leverage. Although you would think he would want to rent it and generate some cash flow.
  4. I was a season 8 hater but I am enjoying this a lot more than I expected. Mostly because those two idiots are not involved and Martin is. Plus this is coming straight off of his material, which makes it better. I also thought I was done with prequels. We stopped watching BCS because it was just dumb to put characters in danger that I knew were alive in Breaking Bad. The 170+ year difference in timelines makes it so no characters are in both shows. Well I guess Melisandre could be.
  5. Reading the stuff they found in their investigation. Not real sure how you let him keep his team. I hate to say never. But in my experience, people like this rarely change.
  6. This isn't being talked about enough. Strike deadline is Friday. Supply chain concerns grow as deadline for freight rail strike looms
  7. Man. 22 years old and Sekou still doesn't have an NBA contract. At this point you have to wonder if his career is over. I remember when everyone was so high on him.
  8. Denver Harris is a CB for Texas A&M. Lucky he didn't kill someone.
  9. Journalists drive me nuts. Inflation was not up 8.3% in August! That is the 12 month number. It was up .1% in August. Yet damn near every article says, "Inflation rose 8.3% in August."
  10. Terrible inflation number released today, up .1% even with gas prices continuing to fall. S&P500 down 2% right out of the gate.
  11. Bridget McCormack is retiring from the Michigan Supreme Court. That makes me sad because her sister was in The West Wing and the cast has made commercials for her in the past.
  12. They had no choice but to do it now. Everyone knew once they lost this weekend that he was going to be fired. It was a matter of when, not if. Think about potential future coaches watching this play out. What if they let Frost twist in the wind for 3 weeks just to save a couple of bucks? A Nebraska legend like Frost? A guy who won them a NC as a player? If they do him dirty like that to save money, how are they going to treat someone like me if it doesn't work out? They paid $7.5M for good public relations. Cost of doing business.
  13. Anthony Edwards was homophobic yesterday. But now he isn't.
  14. Max had to be close to clinching the WDC.
  15. I really thought Frost was a great hire at the time.
  16. Do Charles and Carlos get extra pay for being a driver and pit strategist?
  17. Bad play call. You can roll out with 8 seconds left. It has to be a quick hitting slant so you can run two plays.
  18. This is before the new TV deal, so it will go up even more in the following years.
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