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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. Lottery is on Tuesday.
  2. Ivey should come into play outside the top 5, more likely top 7. Anything higher and its a huge reach. His game just isn't good. I love Sam Vecenie but he tends to fall in love with athletic guards. He had Suggs #2 on his board last year.
  3. Elon is going to Elon. Twitter down big premarket on news Musk is putting the Twitter deal on hold while he reconsiders.
  4. Harden played 22 minutes in the second half and took one shot. Embiid sort of tossed Harden under the bus after the game, like he did with Simmons last year. He isn't wrong but you don't do that in the media, do it in private. I would not want Embiid leading my organization.
  5. Another game that CP3 didn't show up for. He has 37 points combined in the last four games. I think Phoenix will win game 7 but it never should have gone 7. Dallas is not that good.
  6. So who do the 76ers blame now that Simmons is no long around? Fire up the Doc Rivers to the Lakers rumors.
  7. Offer to lower or even drop the protection on that pick. Chicago would deserve something. I just feel a lottery pick is a bit much for a S&T.
  8. If I was Portland I give up a first but a future one. Then use this years to trade for another player. If they are going all in, then actually go all in and don't half ass it.
  9. I don't think Portland has the cap space. So maybe if he does want to go there then Chicago could work out a sign and trade and get some value back.
  10. I laughed. The top one is a quote from his character in Rounders.
  11. Maybe max money per year on less than max years. New TV contract coming in 2-3 years. You sell him on that and how good it would be to become a free agent then and sign a much bigger deal do to the cap going up because of the new TV deal.
  12. I bet he comes up with some sort of injury and wont run at Belmont either. If he runs at either and gets embarrassed his stud fee will go in the crapper.
  13. Betrayer summed it up well. Another thing, Dallas isn't letting him go. Teams over the cap like Dallas cant afford to let guys go for nothing since they wont have cap space to replace him. He is a second round pick, so there are different rules for Dallas matching. I don't think they can just match a max offer. But I imagine they will match as much as the rules allow.
  14. Netflix should have pivoted to live sports. Prime seems to understand this with their NFL deal to stream a game or two per week. The NBA TV deal is up next summer (maybe 2024) and Netflix should jump on it IMO. It is the future of sports on TV. Amazon is funny right now. They are spending tons of cash building out their delivery infrastructure to basically replace UPS, USPS, and Fed Ex. They have invested in fleets of semis and planes lately and that is expensive. Massive distribution centers are popping up all over the country and again, very expensive to build out. People always think online shopping is Amazons bread and butter, but is really their AWS division. Huge profit margins, massive profits, usually about 50% of their profits each quarter/year. My kind of crazy but not crazy prediction for Amazon. They spinoff three different companies/divisions. Online retail/services, AWS, and one nobody is really considering, a global logistics company. Google is kind of meh to me. They do advertising very well, but struggle to develop other revenue streams. Google Services (where their advertising department resides) made up 92% of their revenue last year. They need something else. Maybe their cloud service will take off. Apple, man, Apple is sexy. Hardware is obviously big for them. Phones are killer, those new chips for their phones/laptops are insanely fast and way ahead of the PC/Android stuff. They are a leader in the subscription model that everyone is going to with revenue and profits really growing in that area. They are supposedly about to introduce a subscription plan for your phone where you don't buy your phone anymore, you subscribe and they lease you one. A little disappointed they seemed to have given up on their cloud service, or are at least not pushing as hard. My crazy but not so crazy prediction for Apple in the next decade? They develop a banking division. They already have a credit card, but that is issued through Goldman. I mean they go and get a banking charter and become a full fledged bank. Digital money is already huge and only going to get bigger. It makes some sense the best tech company on earth has their finger in that pie.
  15. Knicks, Pistons, Pacers Expected To Pursue Jalen Brunson In Free Agency
  16. Sort of figured Netflix was in trouble when they gave the Obama's $60M to produce content. What do they know about doing that? Then they gave that royal couple who isn't a royal anymore $100M. At least she was a D list actress on a bad show before she married a prince. But that is a ton of money paid to people who have never done the job they are being paid to do. Not sure that is the best business model.
  17. I think I have talked myself into Sharpe at #2.
  18. The Duke speaker was this year and Harvard from 2014. I think someone's entire academic career is about to be examined at Duke.
  19. Someone charted all the private jets that left Miami within 4 hours of the race finishing.
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