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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. First round of the draft takes less time than the last 2 minutes of a playoff game.
  2. Chet and Poku going to form the Thin Towers in OKC.
  3. Not even sure how to describe that outfit.
  4. Some of those fashion choices.
  5. Figured we could use this one going forward. 8PM tonight on ABC/ESPN.
  6. A player gets a no-trade clause for a year if his team matches an offer sheet. So they can trade him after Dec 15th, but Ayton would have to approve.
  7. Way too much smoke about the Pistons going after Ayton for it to be false. I guess we just hope Phoenix matches the offer.
  8. Depends on how sweet the offer is.
  9. Eh he isn't bad. Basically just one season with big minutes. Good shooter, can play a few minutes at PG but mostly a SG. I would be shocked if Portland let him go.
  10. Portland might have wanted it done before the draft. Grant in the bag gives then more clarity on what direction to go with #7.
  11. Normally when a pick doesn't convey due to protections you end up getting 2nd rounders instead. Our pick that we traded to Houston (Now OKC) is heavily protected. If we don't send it to them by 2027 then we send them a second round pick instead.
  12. Pretty sure this trade will not be finalized until July.
  13. If they renounce everyone and actually go with that $56M in cap space number. They could do both with some maneuvering. First year for Ayton at the max on a $122M salary cap is $30M. So you are down to $26M which is inside the 25% window of Haywards $30M, but probably not after the Pistons draft someone #5. So you would have to throw in some salary filler to Charlotte. But their entire reason to move Hayward is to open up cap space, so they probably don't want salary back. Or maybe sending out $30M and getting about $5M back is fine with them.
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