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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. I hesitate to post this because KOC is a bit of a joke. He had Killian Hayes #1 on his board. Top two and three of the top eleven are French. https://nbadraft.theringer.com/mock-draft
  2. I wonder what the going rate is for a player who is out for the rest of the season.
  3. Multiple time Duren abused Chet in the post. It was nice to see.
  4. Is that stadium deal dead? Last I heard Stan Kroenke was trying to get one built there and in negotiations with the city. But he owns the Nuggets so not sure how that would work. I guess he could lease it to the new owners. Or sell the Denver franchise.
  5. Would they give San Diego a third shot? Not exactly a great sports town.
  6. They could stagger it a few years I guess. But 36 seems way too ambitious and I would say Canada is a hard no. The Raptors do well up there but that is because most of the country has adopted them. You put another team up there you have two weak teams instead of one strong. I would prefer the one strong. There is absolutely nothing holding the Pistons here. Although, I doubt the league is anxious to abandon a top 15-20 market. They obviously see what a mistake it has been not having a team in Seattle. Nashville could be in play. Texas is huge and Austin is growing like crazy. Not sure you want 4 teams so close together though. Pittsburgh maybe. I don't know.
  7. Pistons have 47 from the bench tonight. You win a lot of games when your bench scores that much. Second game in a row they played well. Little help from the schedule gods today. OKC is at the end of a road trip and had 11 road games in January. Their announcers said they were on the road 22 nights this month. Oh well, we need all the help we can get.
  8. Now Duren is confused and thinks he is Magic Johnson and gets the TO that leads to an easy OKC bucket.
  9. Duren isn't half bad as long as he stays within 3 feet of the basket. Another nice move over Chet. Pistons up 14 in the third. How will they blow this one?
  10. Nice post up for Duren against Chet. Need to see more of that.
  11. Two straight possessions with Thompson as the roll man and two straight baskets at the rim.
  12. Rough start for Ivey. 1-6 from the field and 0-3 from three with all three misses be wide open looks.
  13. That three point shot by Ausar lol I could be blindfolded, have to shoot backwards with one hand tied behind my back and I would get closer to the rim than he did.
  14. I am thinking trade for Lavine next week and then a massive overpay this summer for Klay in free agency. They don't play 100 games combined next year and never win a playoff game as a Piston. Then Gores pockets $750m from expansion. Sounds about right.
  15. I understand why they put in the rule where you have to play X amount of games to be eligible for post season awards. But I don't like it. You are going to have guys winning awards who don't deserve it.
  16. Oh, they must have deleted it. They made a tweet saying according to JEIII Killian Hayes is being sent to the Motor City Cruze and will spend the rest of his NBA career there.
  17. OK that was a mess. Vegas and Seattle are done deals. Mexico City and St Louis would be 33 and 34.
  18. Mexico City and St. Louis would be my guess. EDIT: Plus Vegas and Seattle.
  19. My uneducated guess at the cost to buy a new team is five billion dollars.
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