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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. If I counted right. The Pistons only have 9 wins for the 2023 calendar year.
  2. Cant find the clip. But later in the game both announcers said other than Cade and Bojan, the game is just too fast for Pistons players.
  3. At least he admits it. He had Killian Hayes as his #1 pick in that draft year.
  4. How many players can you name that demanded a trade and didn't get it? Not scrubs. I mean the max contract types. They have a pretty good track record.
  5. The smart player. He can sign the extension two seasons before it even takes effect. That is security against future injuries and even against bad performance. Oh, and it will be about a quarter of a billion dollars. Other teams can't provide that security since he would have to wait another two seasons to sign with a new team. If he wants out he will sign the extension, play the first season of the extension since he can't be traded that year, then demand a trade.
  6. Cade is eligible for an extension this summer. I would have a max offer on his agents desk immediately.
  7. Best part of bowl season so far.
  8. Cade goes into the double there. If he just turns around for a little fade away he is getting that over the smaller defender. But he kept backing him down right into the double team and he had to try some crazy circus shot that got blocked.
  9. 24 second violation and I don't think anyone even looked at the basket.
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