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Everything posted by Deleterious

  1. There was another issue with Denver's court. They measured the arc of the the 3PT line wrong and that made it a few inchers off above the break. The fixed it before the game but you could see the mistaken 3PT line still kinda faded on the court.
  2. A few of those guys are more shot blocker and less defender.
  3. Another thing from that JEIII article. Sasser is a year older than Cade.
  4. Luka and Embiid play with better talent than Cade does. That means more made shots for those other two guys which obviously means more assists. I like to look at the potential assist stat on NBA.com. Cade is 12th in the league for potential assists. He is also 7th in the league for secondary assists (hockey assist).
  5. Pretty sure me and Betrayer are related somehow. The Cade bashing is crazy to me as well. Yes he needs to improve and he will probably be the first to tell you that. But he is a stud. JEIII pointed out in his article today that last night was Cades 82nd game played. He is still so young in terms of time played. Regarding point #2 and what is so frustrating about it. I feel Duren has the mobility to trap and switch. So I don't really understand why they don't do it more. Like Betrayer said, guys that cant do that do not play come playoff time. So lets get him out there doing/learning it now. It is getting pretty hard to pump the brakes on the Sasser hype train. Not sure how Killian continues to start over him.
  6. I think Silver is a pretty good commissioner. But this idea is absolutely terrible. The NBA is not the NFL. The NFL draft is interesting into the deep rounds. Sometimes, the NBA draft isn't even interesting until the end of the lottery.
  7. Wait. I have never heard Stalions was working for CMU. Is that the new working theory?
  8. Seems like it is always a terrible draft this time of year.
  9. I never took the injury thing that seriously. I assumed they were tanking and just holding guys out longer than normal to pile up the L's. Now? Yeah, it might be a problem. Hopefully someone compiles all the missed games and compares it to other teams.
  10. Sort of interesting because Houston has zero bench right now and he still can't get run. Nice to see a team using the G-League.
  11. He is claiming he didn't know. Maybe he didn't. But some found an Instagram post from corum and he used the hashtag #BC2LLC. The name of the LLC was BC2 Housing LLC Not a smoking gun tho. I could include your dog on an LLC. You don't even need a person's SS#.
  12. Isn't that fun. Corum and Stalions were business partners. https://wyobiz.wyo.gov/Business/FilingDetails.aspx?eFNum=004127002193141068228028017134115082015028229098
  13. Michigan doesn't want any part of the SEC.
  14. Just give Jokic the MVP right now.
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