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Everything posted by Shelton

  1. It’s funny. It wasn’t really that long ago. The way I remember going into the offseason was that guys like Tork and Baez were members of the team but in name only. They wanted to add a right handed bat and some pitching. They had holes basically at first and third, but also guys with positional flexibility so it wasn’t that rigid. We heard news that Keith, Malloy, and Vierling maybe were going to work on 1B over the winter and in the spring but “just for flexibility” as if this didn’t signal very clearly that Tork is dead to them. I don’t know if they were specifically looking for a 2B, but because they do have flexibility with their athletes it opened them up to considering those guys, in particular guys that are specifically looking for 2B opportunities for their own career. Torres at 1/15 is an incredibly good deal, especially for a team that wanted a right handed bat and had a potential opening at 2B. You cannot pass that up at that stage of the offseason.
  2. Man, G2, I’m sorry. I thought when you said established hitter with a poor glove at 1B you were referring to Tork and that sent me spinning. I’m still not sure what’s real at the moment. I need a minute.
  3. If the cost of getting gleybor means that they have to move Colt off 2B a year earlier than planned, so be it. I don’t really hold it against him for advocating for himself. It’s up to the teams to call him on it. My guess is he can still play 2B just fine. Honestly not sure why tigers fans dislike this guy so much, but will argue over Englert vs kreidler, or losing Faedo. .
  4. Got it. You think Torres should play 1B and colt 2b. Well they will both be in the starting lineup every day so I guess we’ll see. Could always swap!
  5. It’s definitely possible that Scott Harris and AJ Hinch are idiots and didn’t think of any of this, and just made a huge mistake moving Colt Keith off of 2B. Yes, I’m appealing to authority. There is an information deficit that allows it.
  6. Personally, I’m not at all convinced that Colt was as good at 2B as som of the numbers seemed to suggest near the end of last season. I think 2B is a difficult position to evaluate, because it just isn’t that hard, especially with the way we are shifting these days. I didn’t find his throws when turning a DP to be that crisp. He seemed to miss more than his share of what I would consider easy grounders. I haven’t watched Torres much so maybe he is equally as unimpressive or even worse. But it’s just not that hard to stand on the grass and make a weak throw to first from shallow RF. Torres can hit though. And he can hit better than Tork. So Torres and Colt at 2b and 1b is a clear improvement over Keith and Tork at 2b and 1b IMO. I don’t think whatever defensive differences are present in the above comparison moves the needle.
  7. Who is the established hitter with the poor glove at 1B?
  8. Just sign Bregman. Jung ain’t it.
  9. Damn, that’s high praise from Hongbit. Probably a troll job.
  10. Is that the question, though? I would submit that Maeda—the guy people seem to want to cut to be able claim logical superiority against the sunk cost fallacy—has a higher likelihood of providing positive value in 2025 relative to Faedo. Having extra years of Faedo that become increasingly more expensive is not a positive. That said, Faedo is also the worst. So it’s a win-win in this case.
  11. Guys, Faedo isn’t good. Scott is being nice.
  12. That’s not what law said. He said that if Kevin hit his 95% projection that he would finish with 2500 hits. Regardless, Keith loves the tigers this year.
  13. I’m not sure that Detroit is as tough of a sell as that. The dude just spent his whole career in Houston, and that place is horrid.
  14. Yep. There were multiple instances where I was nervous about a flag being thrown on some of our snaps, too. I’m sure when one gets snapped later than you think is reasonable, the coach will get in the official’s ear and maybe get a quicker whistle later. We see it all the time with other calls, too. And that’s not even considering the plays that aren’t blown dead that result in a good result for the defense because the offense is rushed and the defense knows exactly when the ball is being snapped.
  15. I think the gray area for the play clock and delay of game is fine. Like the strike zone in baseball or the myriad other calls in football and other sports that require some degree of judgment. I think the mechanics of the snap requires there to be some gray area, and it’s not something you could reasonably police in real time with a light or buzzer. It’s not basketball where you can have a reasonably objective and clear determine of when the ball has left the shooter’s hand. You can get that from a still image.
  16. this message board : washed-up former top-100 prospects :: McCosky : white former Tigers
  17. I agree with this. And not just about Tork. Scott’s comments going back even before the winter meetings strike me as being nothing more than stating the bare minimum but making it sound there is substance behind it. Tork and Javy are both talked about as being part of the club and even the near future of the club, while at the same time saying that their recent track record and current state isn’t good enough. And there is really no reason to say anything differently. I don’t think it’s intended as a public calling out. I think he’s just answering a question honestly while being as polite as possible to a couple of the terrible baseball players that he inherited. I think it’s pretty simple. Until the time comes where their roster spot is needed, they will both be “working hard” and “need to get better” and “need to get back to [insert time from the past where they were not dumpster fires].” When will that time be? For Tork it could be the end of spring training when he is sent to Toledo. For Javy it’s probably a couple months into the season his IL stint is over. But it will also mean that their replacements need to be performing and healthy. I don’t think Scott is operating under any hope/thought that Tork and Javy are going to play a meaningful role on the 2025 tigers.
  18. Will they allow him to have his name on his jersey?
  19. I don’t know, I think it beats excelling in the History of Tipping Culture.
  20. There is a fake Lynn Henning on Bluesky that is trying a bit too hard to mimic Lynn’s style and pass himself off as the real thing. Only true Henning scholars (like myself) may be able to notice.
  21. I think Goldschmidt is trash. And we aren’t going to sign anyone as Tork insurance. They need to sign someone better than Tork. What’s the use of signing a 1B worse than Tork to use an insurance? Insurance for what? He’s already basically replacement level.
  22. I think, for the most part, Malloy and Carpenter are sharing one lineup spot. Tork is extremely remotely/expendable if they bring in an actual 1B. No need to find him reps at DH.
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