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Everything posted by smr-nj

  1. No. They’ve been steadily rising. But I didn’t shop for any since Monday.
  2. I actually go to a local farm that has their own hens and get my eggs from them. They’re gathered that day and are maybe a buck or so less expensive. (Their prices have been relatively the same as pre-bird flu.). I’m praying their flocks don’t ever become infected
  3. Eggs are in the $8 - $11 a dozen range here.
  4. Well, wouldn’t there be concerned that the space debris is also falling in the waters around there? Seems like there should be.
  5. I thought I’d lighten the mood a bit.
  6. He’s such a petty little orange putz.
  7. …. And they list of people I’d like to slap silly just keeps growing.
  8. Is this too obscure a reference?
  9. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, I’m hoping, are self-preparing, because they have to now see the very clear writing on the wall. They know Russian aggression and occupation first hand, and now know they’re not being stopped. God help them
  10. Disgusting. oh my God.
  11. I just can’t wrap my head around reacting to a clicked “like” or “laugh”, etc…. Reacting to that the same as if there’s a physical posted answer. It just doesn’t pass the smell test of “this is trolling” to me. You’ve now explained the “repping”, while also so kindly indicating that management (in particular- mine) is stupid, with a smirky “sorry you don’t know”, and labeling my non-response as being indicative of me being in denial. Not in denial… because I can’t/won’t classify an emoji response as trolling. It just seems a reach to me. Then again, could be generational….but I just don’t give a flying you know-what. Bottom line, the one interesting fact I’ve come away with at the end of this day is this: the two members here who have responded to posts I’ve made attempting to modify behavior had this same answer as a comeback to me ….. it was, and I quote : “Ban me”. (and in each instance, I never once brought up threatening anybody with being banned.) the two members giving the same answer? But of course ……. tigerholic and pfife. 🙂 You both are cut from the same cloth, and that fact has to drive you mad… am I right? Well, bonne soir, mes petites.😈👹
  12. A week til pitchers/catchers, right? yay.
  13. It’s kind of amazing. If I were a minority and/or a woman in the military, I’d probably be feeling demoralized and unappreciated and, yeah, angry.
  14. Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground Into the blue again, into the silent water Under the rocks and stones, there is water underground Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground Into the blue again, after the money's gone Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, look where my hand was Time isn't holding up, time isn't after us Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was (I couldn't get no rest) Same as it ever was, hey let's all twist our thumbs Here comes the twister Letting the days go by (same as it ever was, same as it ever was) Letting the days go by (same as it ever was, same as it ever was) Once in a lifetime, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground.
  15. (Now, that’s trolling)
  16. I will just add this. Maybe it’s me, but if I have to look at likes, etc. to gauge my own personal reaction, it’s time to step back and examine my perspective.
  17. You’re seriously being triggered by a laughing emoji response to your posts? That is ridiculous.
  18. What do you mean repping your posts? Where?
  19. So, pfife, why do you feel the need to constantly make comments directed at tigerholic when he’s only made 1 post since his decision to post less here? If you are responding to a post he makes, … yeah, fine. But that’s not what I’m seeing here. So, stop it. Very childish, imo.
  20. I found making the call and venting (in a civilized manner) to be cathartic for me. So, worth it.
  21. I both called my congressman’s office (got through), and sent him a message on his government website page. And tonight, I’ll repeat, and also call both my senators.
  22. …. And the American President bends the knee to his boss. you couldn’t make this a plot of a movie and have anybody believe it. But here we are.
  23. I’m hoping that people are recognizing that Elon is public enemy #1. Without a doubt.
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