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Everything posted by smr-nj

  1. If you don’t mind, I’m gonna just expand on that a bit. He was banned - and the trigger was pulled by the owner of the website, - ….who has run this for more than 20 years, (and we’ve had others who eventually were banned by moderators) but in this member - Stan - finally came across someone who did not add any value to this forum. Who was beyond deserving of being kicked to the curb. So, your brief off the cuff description of Stan, headed by the blurb “he liked trump”, insinuating that was his sin…. that’s just aggravating. And somewhat insulting.
  2. Isn’t it obvious to everybody here yet that this is an ongoing trolling performance? I mean, come on.
  3. Talk about being a dick …. Why are you throwing around “un-American” labels? That’s the epitome of a dick move.
  4. “Win, … if you can. Lose, … if you must. But, always, always cheat.” (quoting a former Chemistry teacher, and my brother’s wrestling coach. RIP, CJ.)
  5. Really?? Wow. I wonder if there are any studies on that nationally? Interesting.
  6. As a sidenote, I went shopping today just to pick up a few things at a local big grocery store. The toilet paper aisle had nothing on the shelves. Not even a single roll. What the hell? Is this crap starting over again? (No pun intended) Are the hoarders back with a passion?? Just so ridiculous
  7. Your statements are totally false.
  8. Such an idiot
  9. There needs to be accountability. If you are called to testify before Congress, and you don’t even show up, charge them with contempt of Congress. You can’t just throw up your hands and let it go. They can come when subpoenaed, and refuse to answer. That’s their right. That’s reasonably in the realm of normalcy. Complete disregard and refusal to appear just should not be tolerated. Period. from what I’ve been reading, it doesn’t look like even past the charge of contempt of Congress, and a conviction, that they can be sent to imprisonment. There isn’t , after all , a specific “congressional” jail, and they wouldn’t be sent to a federal jail… because this is congressional, not federal. I suppose they can sequester them in a room in Congress until they come to their senses, but who needs that circus. But it needs to be on the record somewhere that they were held in contempt of Congress. You cannot just disregard this. I find this more infuriating every damn day.
  10. Lol. Does this even ring a ____ing bell with you??? (no censor. Ha. I’ll censor myself)
  11. What. The. Heck…..
  12. Excellent idea. 😂
  13. That would be funnier if it wasn’t so freaking tragic. We now have a segment of the population that is willfully, and proudly, ignorant… and applaud/idolize non-scientific minds. We are so screwed.
  14. Good God, no way. lol
  15. Look in the mirror, toots. 😏
  16. Throwing all the good karma I possess from here in Jersey, and wishing your wife a full recovery. Also praying for all of your family that you can keep up the love and support needed. ❤️
  17. I was going to write some indignant response, then I realized I’m no longer a middle-aged woman….. I’m officially an old broad, so your remark doesn’t apply to me, and I don’t need to represent. Besides, middle-aged women can, in fact, be annoying. 😏
  18. So I see things are still as depressing as hell around here in a political forum. LOL hello ladies and gentlemen! 😁
  19. wassup
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