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  1. But there are political points to be made. That's more important. That's why we tried to keep this thread separate from all the other stupid horse**** posted elsewhere. Look at that cesspool of slop. This is the third iteration of this board. At one time it was good place for intelligent conversation, both political and investment (although filtered from the first). How far it has fallen. It has become aisle lunatic and mostly unreadable, which is why hardly anyone posts here anymore. The investment thread in particular had some really good participants - all gone now. A fish stinks from the head down.
  2. People don't realize how good these guys really are. It's off the charts incredible how they can hit a golf ball. Larger and more fit players along with advances in technology has made the game much longer. That matters, but at the same time, what really matters is not ****ing up. You can't **** up. Hitting a little white ball over 300 yards, iron shots into impossible greens, chip, putt (on greens the ball wants to roll of of) - and not **** up? Sammy was right - a 5 is a lot closer to a 15 than a 2. These guys are machines playing the game to the highest level ever achieved. Then there is bowling. I used to work in a bowing alley. I still follow it to some extent. This sport, unlike golf, has went the other direction. I see videos of people throwing 800 series that wouldn't have averaged 170 30 years ago.
  3. Drivers are like bowling balls (a mostly dead sport). People spend tons of money on their shovels and not get any better. It's the Indian, not the arrow. I think it was Sam Snead who said "a 5 handicap is a lot closer to a 15 than it is a 2." So true.
  4. There is nothing wrong with a 9° driver. Actually, it might help some people. The less loft on the clubface, the easier it is to move the ball right and left (hook or cut). Some/many go with a higher loft to help get a higher trajectory of shot to help distance. A nice draw will do that too. You can always move the ball forward or backward (slightly) in your stance, or vary how high you tee the ball to hit a lower or higher shot. Whatever works seems to be the best way. The tee shot is the most important shot of the hole. Trees are 90% air until you try to hit a golf ball through one.
  5. I've hated the IT nazi's since we had computers. I became one. What stuck out most in my mind was the power the IT nazi's had over people, systems, and whatever. In the wrong hands - not good.
  6. INTC is still stuck between trade points. Today was NVDA day, and it was a big nothingburger according to the tape. Flat in after hours.
  7. I spent 10 minutes to find this post just to follow up on the Nazi IT people and the dos prompt. The cmd command not only worked on the network, but on a school issued laptop. How fricken cool is that??? Thank you, I would buy you a couple of beers if I could. I got the biggest kick out of that.
  8. I'm seeing this on my news feed. Stock is down about 5% today as I type this. Also
  9. SWEET!!!! Great tip! It worked here at home, let's see how the IT nazi's stack up. Thank you.
  10. Let's revisit this little puppy. The chart above this one was from the 13th, last Thursday, then took a dive Friday. Got 3 days off and went nuts today. Broke into the area with the red arrow. Great trade if you made it. Of course I didn't.
  11. It is. Simple example. I create a directory for each of my students so I can store their assignments. If you open file manager (old name, explorer now?), hold down the shift key and right click on the directory, you can open a "command shell" window. Looks just like the original DOS window. Type MKDIR, put in a bunch of names separated by commas and you instantly have that many directories. Easy button defined. Funny, I can't do this at school. The IT nazi's have that little trick restricted, but have an ocean of other stuff dicked up to the highest degree. Go figger...
  12. I'm a lifelong computer guy, worked in IT (and related), and feel very fortunate to ride that train over the years. Put food on the table and a roof over my head. I'm also impressed with the gains in technology. Anyone remember MS-DOS? Look where we are now. Impressive stuff. But this AI stuff scares the **** out of me.
  13. It would no doubt be a large project, but convert databases by custom code, then consolidate into the new system. We've had time. Or maybe AI will solve it...
  14. I'm not a programmer, but it seems to me this kind of stuff, let's call it legacy database type data, someone along the line would have found a way to update the data form so it would no longer be a problem.
  15. I remember this. There were some freaked out people. Year 2000 problem Could be in the history thread.
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