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  1. And a $15 billion stock buyback. Holy give the CEO a raise Batman.
  2. NFLX reported earning after close today and killed it. Up over 10% AH. And of course shortly after:
  3. I haven't been at a multi-national for over 7 years and I can only imagine how f'ed up it is now. It was an utter circus back then. Office Space (the movie) and Dilbert (the cartoon) didn't do it justice. We had a saying; the only way this place could get anymore ****ed up is if it got bigger.
  4. How things have changed over the years is nothing less than amazing. When I grew up people made a living making things with their hands. The old world was much more labor intensive and more people needed. Things changed with technology. First the computers which could do math thousands of times faster than we could, which later brought on the internet and the ability to globalize that labor. It started with the blue collar jobs (I lived though NAFTA) and eventually got the white collar jobs too. You mention CAD. I remember the days things were made by paper drawings, drawn by talented engineers and draftsmen. They used a table, mechanical arm, and a calculator (or slide rule). We had cars, appliances, bridges, buildings back then - using paper. Then computers came along and many of those jobs were gone. CAD systems changed the game big time. Where will it go next? I don't know. Where does the human factor get replaced by technology? Maybe the same place the computer people had trouble, and still do - junk in, junk out. AI can (maybe) design a really cool part/assembly/machine - but can it be made - and at what cost? Then again, after 35 years in corporate America, I never understood how they made anything to begin with.
  5. There is no good task for the AI guys to work on.
  6. Yep, that's the place. Tony Stewart has made quite the name for himself.
  7. Isn't the tariff thing about bringing jobs back here? Tariffs are are inflationary for the American people, bottom line. It's about the message. They use Tariffs as an issue to help sell bringing manufacturing back here. Easy sale. I watched (and helped) it go global since 1994 and it will take many years to bring it back, even if that is possible at all. Add robotics and AI to take more jobs and WTF are we going to do?
  8. I forgot the chart porn;
  9. I've been to Fort Wayne many times for various reasons. Are you familiar with the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum? I haven't been there, but they had a dirt track race there last month. That would be cool. I'm about 2 1/2 hrs away.
  10. Markets were closed today but futures opened at 6. Looks pretty tame, but a blip around 7:49. Nothing to see here. The market will not crash tomorrow.
  11. It would take about 2 minutes and you would have it coming. I'm not defending people with vulgar signs. I have a problem with assuming all people are like that, they are not. But then again, I am at fault for arguing with a clueless unhinged 8 year old.
  12. Well Mr. Classy, maybe you should go on out and ask some of those toothless white trash people with no teeth and body oder that very question. It would be fun to see how long it took for one of them to knock you on your arrogant elite ass.
  13. This guy is so busted;
  14. I'm afraid to click on that but I believe you. Nuts, just fricken nuts. As long as you can move money there is a market, no matter how stupid it may be. And someone gets ****ed. Wow! That never happens... I can't believe what I see today. I'm glad I'm old.
  15. If that happens, who wins?
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