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About Tigerfan6884

  • Birthday 04/11/1956

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  1. Love the pitching, but we have a triple-a lineup.
  2. OK, they're young, and blah, blah, but this lack of fundamentals on the base paths is particularly discouraging. That and listening to the announcers make excuses for this garbage.
  3. HERE are my ratings for th 2022 Major League Baseball Team Announcers. Rating : WAY BETTER than Detroit’s TV team Better Same “ Worse “ Arizona TV: Steve Berthiaume, Bob Brenly SAME - Berthiaume and Brenly offer nothing extraordinary, which is strange considering Brenly’s background as a catcher and manager. Atlanta BETTER - TV: Chip Caray, Jeff Francoeur Caray is solid, not quite the chip of the ol’ block, smooth and rah-rah. Baltimore BETTER - TV: Kevin Brown, Jim Palmer or Ben McDonald Brown is solid, while Palmer has become a grumpy old guy talking about the good old days. Boston WAY BETTER - TV: Dave O’Brien, Dennis Eckersley O’Brien is good, very professional. Eckersley is someone out there, but enthusiastic. Chicago Cubs BETTER - TV: Jon “Boog” Sciambi, Jim Deshaies Sciambi has a entertaining sense of humor Chicago White Sox SAME - TV: Jason Benetti, Steve Stone. Benetti falls in love with his own sense of irony and humor. Stone, once solid and informative, has totally sold out his perspective. Cincinnati BETTER - TV: John Sadak, Barry Larkin or Chris Welsh. Solid broadcast with knowledge from Larkin and Welssh. Cleveland BETTER - TV: Matt Underwood, Rick Manning. Underwood has a tendency to yell too much. Manning is understated. Colorado BETTER - TV: Drew Goodman, Jeff Huson or Ryan Spilborghs. Listened to Goodman a lot having lived in Salt Lake City. He’s solid and always in the situation. Houston BETTER - TV Todd Kalas, Geoff Blum. Kalas is cool and calm, but allows the action to dictate his call. Blum is one of the new breed that offers non sequiturs in attempts to be humorous. Kansas City BETTER - TV: Ryan Lefebvre, Rex Hudler. Lefebvre is smooth and lets the action dictate his volume. Hudler is really enthusiastic. I like him a lot. Los Angeles Angels SAME - TV: Matt Vasgersian or Patrick O’Neal, Mark Gubicza. Vasgersian depends on his script (calls by rote) to call games. Yells too much. O’Neal and Gubicza are boring. Los Angeles Dodgers BETTER - TV: Joe Davis, Orel Hershiser. Like Hershiser, which I never thought I’d say. Miami DON’T KNOW - TV: Paul Severino, Tommy Hutton or J.P. Arencibia. Haven’t watched one of their games yet. Milwaukee BETTER - TV: Jeff Levering or Brian Anderson, Bill Schroeder. WAY BETTER WITH ANDERSON at the mic. Anderson is a regular for MLB Playoffs on TNT as well as NCAA college hoop. Minnesota SAME - TV: Dick Bremer, Justin Morneau. Bremer is mister obvious. New York Mets WAY BETTER - TV: Gary Cohen, Keith Hernandez and/or Ron Darling. Cohen is a good listen while Darling and Hernandez are the best color guys. New York Yankees BETTER - TV: Michael Kay or Ryan Ruocco, David Cone and/or Paul O’Neill. Solid team. Like Cone and O’Neill Oakland WORSE - TV: Glen Kuiper, Dallas Braden. Plain irritating. Philadelphia SAME - TV: Tom McCarthy, John Kruk and/or Ben Davis Pittsburgh BETTER - TV and Radio: Greg Brown or Joe Block, Bob Walk or John Wehner. Brown is way laid back, allowing his “experts” to diagnose the game. San Diego WAY BETTER - TV: Don Orsillo, Mark Grant or Mark Sweeney. Orsillo was run out of Boston for reasons unknown to me. He and Grant, another one with the glut of non sequiturs, are entertaining as hell. San Francisco BETTER - TV: Duane Kuiper, Mike Krukow Kuiper makes up for always being a super homer with solid information. LIKE DETROIT and MILWAUKEE the best announcer is on radio. Seattle BETTER - TV: Dave Sims, Mike Blowers. I believe Sims is the only African-American play-by-play guy for MLB. St. Louis BETTER - TV: Dan McLaughlin, Brad Thompson or Jim Edmonds Tampa Bay BETTER - TV: Dewayne Staats, Brian Anderson. Staats is a longtime veteran, while Anderson is nutty. Texas SAME - TV: Dave Raymond, C.J. Nitkowski Toronto WAY BETTER - TV: Dan Shulman and Buck Martinez. Shulman is dead solid. Good voice without overdoing it and Martinez brings his knowledge to the game. Washington SAME - TV: Bob Carpenter, Kevin Frandsen. Carpenter tends to go over the top with his calls.
  4. So far, he can't catch up to the Major League fast ball. There are many examples of AAA power hitters, great prospects, who haven't been able to make the adjustment. Hopefully Tork will.
  5. His throwing almost bothers me as much as his strikeouts.
  6. All I know is, last night he took a first pitch ball during his second or third at bat. I nearly fell off the couch. I like aggressive hitters, but Javy is amazing. There has to be a stat on the percentage of first-pitch swings and he has to be the leader (all-time?).
  7. Man, is Shep on a roll or what. Comparing the chemistry between Barnhart and Hill to the Elton John band. Of course, a couple pitches later Hill allows a HR. I also keep expecting Shep to break out a fife and drum.
  8. In the back of the mind, there's a continuing thought that the Tigers, who, have with few exceptions, have been terrible. So, they're bound to come out of this collective funk together, too. Then look out. Right? I've been waiting for it, occasionally seeing glimpses, which bad teams typically do. So, I'm waiting. And waiting. And...
  9. Watching Pirate feed. So much more conversational. Giving their respects to the Tigers who are playing well.

  10. Skubal is the first Tiger pitcher with that "it" factor since Verlander.
  11. Often by an unlikely source (see Tommy Matchick, Dick Tracewski, etc.). Good see the pitching continue to hold on while the bats try to heat up.
  12. Don't need more pitching. Need a big bat.
  13. I sort of like Craig Monroe, but he sure wears rose-colored glasses. I like being positive, however, he sure goes overboard. I guess being a former player is the answer. In addition, he wants to be friends with the players. As play-by-play, somebody new please.
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