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  1. He gave up a inconsistent and therefore low value reliever for a potential every day player Pretty easy to figure out. No one is saying the guy is Willie Mays
  2. Reporting in from the monkey cage, all is well in here
  3. Regardless of your political beliefs, it would be good if an executive wasn't liking conspiracy nonsense on his public account, yeah Oh well, he's probably only a gullible rube on this one issue, so it will be fine
  4. We have been the worst team in mlb for pretty much his entire reign, so if a few prospects work out I'll still be ok with saying he sucked You should find some prospects that work out when you're picking top ten every year
  5. What would happen here is: I'd care about it a lot less than the president of the United States being a traitor. Normal people don't care about Hunter Biden one way or the other. But if we can't lock people far more important than him, why should anyone go to jail? If Trump can steal classified info, and almost certainly share it with dangerous and crazy people, why should anyone care if hunter smokes crack? Why should anyone care about a simple robbery? If the law doesn't apply to the most important people, it shouldn't apply to anyone. You're looking at it backward.
  6. It's fun reading these things on Twitter and most of the replies are always just utterly insane people with no grasp of reality, and the vote of the "yeah, rich people drink the blood of children because Satan sent immigrants here" counts the same as mine not only that, but I'm supposed to be nice and respectful to them lol What a country we live in
  7. Pudge is in the best shape of his life
  8. Where has anyone like this ever been on FSD or Bally? I can't ever remember any criticism like this, at least not since pre 2006 times. Don't really care about Shep, but having a local media that doesn't just love everything the org does would be nice. I doubt Avila would have lasted as long in most major markets. Imagine this organization in New York. They'd probably have strung up Chris I by now
  9. The Tigers current list of starting pitchers who are both proven good and healthy:
  10. Pouring one out for the Castros and Farmers of the world
  11. I would simply go back in time and sign the much better player instead of half assing everything like the Tigers always do.
  12. Fired up to see the future of the team, hitting Harold Castro and his 680 ops playing first and hitting in the middle of the order
  13. I'm sure it has nothing to do with mlb having an incredible powerful player's union and a collectively bargained contract, probably baseball players are just luckier than the rest of us
  14. The Tigers need a second Willi Castro like I need to watch the first Willi Castro play
  15. To be fair, I'm not far off that and I haven't gotten a hit in about 19 years
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