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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. Not sure about now, but in the past it hasn't been at all uncommon for a New Yorker to never learn how to drive.
  2. I think somebody already hacked into the DOGE website a few weeks ago, and said it was easy to do so. Now people need to start hacking wherever his money is.
  3. Musk has a list of people he blames for paying protestors to make trouble for him at Tesla stores. Of course Soros is on the list (he really does get around). At least two of the people on the list are dead-wow, that's a pretty neat trick to keep it up after death! But more seriously, Elon-people are protesting you because they really, really hate you.
  4. My guess is it's already happening.
  5. Most of you probably know that I've always been interested in the WWII/Nazi GermanyHolocaust era... So it's a bit surprising that I only heard of this book from 2011: In the Garden of Beasts, by Erik Larson. I've only just started it, but it looks like it'll be easy to get into.
  6. The ages of some of the cast of the 1950 version were pretty out there... IIRC the mother of the bride actress was only 10 years older than the guy who played the groom.
  7. We could probably create a county fair game booth at this rate.
  8. Unfortunately, it's beginning to look like we're going to have to wait until MAGA has run its course to really delve into this with actual solutions. And I suspect that there will always be a portion of the population that will never come around-they were just drowned out until MAGA woke them up. There have been a lot of really good books about poverty and/or race in recent years-I'm sure you've read some of them (Caste, On Poverty, Evicted, White Trash, etc).
  9. The idea has been around since the 90s, it was just called sensitivity training. I was first exposed to it in industry, fwiw.
  10. I'm starting to see a resurfaced video of when Rubio said that in the future those in the media and in politics would have to explain their support for T... I wonder if he ever thinks back to that time?
  11. Not surprised. While I don't condone it, I do understand the fury. I've been scared that we're heading towards a French Revolution type of situation for a while now.
  12. I guess I'm a bit confused-my workplace has a DEIA program we all had to go through post-COVID/Floyd and focused mainly on ways we could learn about the backgrounds of people of different cultures and the best ways we could interact with each other respectfully. It's similar to what we used to call sensitivity training in the 90s and 00s. And while YMMV, I did notice workplaces becoming more, not less productive as a result of these programs. Or maybe we were just ready to change-who knows? The point is... these were not programs designed to say that certain people were bad people. In fact, they assumed that people were NOT bad and thus would respond to the information once they learned. What I'm seeing happening in Washington right now: images of women and minorities being scrubbed from websites, along with a lot of other information. And the views of some of the people installed in Washington on women and minorities are more than a little alarming. I'm more than aware that it's not only women and minorities being scrubbed from websites, but is another topic for another thread. Let's just say that this scrubbing is the digital version of a book burning, and leave it at that.
  13. I probably should know this, considering I have family in the Arlington area (though I haven't seen them for years). Flipping off is kind of normal here, in a Ralph/Sam kind of way.
  14. While something tells me the Post is now intentionally focusing only on those becoming violent.... I cannot support people who act like this, whether I agree with their politics or not.
  15. I do unfortunately think you're right. It's frustrating that so many people think it's inconvenient to learn to treat people with consideration and respect regardless of background, but here we are.
  16. Of course he will. The Ecology song was way too woke.
  17. Many already have bought into it-especially the 'prosperity gospel' portion of it.
  18. There's a woman at work who has an irrational hatred of one of our young coworkers. Why? Because she's young and thin, and gets more advanced assignments because she has education and took the time to become certified. Maybe she's jealous? Not sure exactly what to call this peeve....
  19. LOL. Sadly I'll bet people think that's what a transgenic mouse is, though.
  20. Adding on to this, as somebody who majored in ecology and is definitely an environmentalist (and left of center on many other issues): sometimes you have to mutter to yourself before taking a deep breath and voting for the candidate less likely to reverse the protections that are in place. And believe me you're right that it ain't MAGA.
  21. Sounds about right!
  22. They actually had to correct a statement that Musk was CEO, and not the founder of Tesla? I thought most people knew that, let alone a news site like NBC. And those of us who live in Boston think of Littleton as being pretty far away. 🙃
  23. She probably thinks she's being clever.
  24. I'll be at the one in Boston-it's about a 5 minute walk from my home.
  25. Ten years ago I would have said it's impossible. Today I know better.
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