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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. That said, I have to make plans. I'd already decided to become more active in transit and housing groups, but looks like my plan to work with FEMA won't be happening. I don't know how much I can do, but I'd like to see if I can preserve some of the sense of empathy and services that exist in my state.
  2. In all seriousness, I've known people who think they get disability etc. is because they pray for it.
  3. Yes, Netanyahu is very happy with this.
  4. As a person who lives in a state that tends to pay more to the federal government than it receives back in services, I have to ask the people (mostly in red states) who benefit: Does this mean you don't want our money any more? And if that's the case, can we have the money we've already sent back? I hate that I'm thinking this way. That said, that's what they voted for.
  5. True, that seems to be the trend in the rest of the world also. Reminds me of yo-yo dieting, but with worse consequences.
  6. This, and keep in mind he put Betsy DeVos in charge of education, so I won't be at all surprised if RFK Jr is put in charge of health issues (maybe not the surgeon general, but NIH, USDA, FDA, etc). And last time he DID gut departments like the EPA and NPS. Sadly, I think people who think they won't be affected much will be more than they know-it's estimated that SS will now become insolvent within 6 years under Drumpf and a lot of middle-aged white men have little or no savings to make up for that loss.
  7. At least you don't claim he is a strong businessman. Seriously, once again I have to ask how somebody with 6 bankruptcies, multiple failed business ventures, and decades of stiffing vendors is going to be 'good for the economy?'
  8. My bf did his part to convince other Latinos to vote for Harris, and he was frustrated but still managed to sway a few. For years, Union leaders in MA were frustrated by their members' refusal to vote for a woman, but that did change-first with Warren and more recently with Healey, so maybe there's hope.
  9. We keep running women because that's the only way a woman will ever get there. Obama wasn't the first Black man to run-people like Jackson and even Sharpton (ok, I could never vote for Sharpton, and anyone who remembers the 1980s probably knows why) ran before him. If MA can finally elect a woman as a Senator and as a Governor, then I have hope it can happen at the National level as well-unfortunately it may not be in my lifetime. (I know MA is considered ultra-liberal but in many ways it's very conservative)
  10. Thanks for sharing that. I remember being absolutely shattered when hearing about Matthew Shepherd. It's painful to think that we're going back to that kind of thinking.
  11. Yes, she ran a good campaign, one that's especially notable since it had to get a late start. If her supporters can keep the energy they had, we have a shot to get through this.
  12. He will never be held accountable for any of his crimes. I have always thought that, but now I know.
  13. I don't care what race, gender or background a President is. I won't deny that it sucks that about half the population will be rejected just for being a woman, but ultimately I just want somebody who will lead the way to maintain our infrastructure, find ways to balance the environment and business needs, and to help ensure that a health crisis doesn't lead to financial ruin. (this is to name a few). And I'll be honest-I'm scared that my boyfriend will be a casualty, even though he is now a citizen.
  14. Can you go to the UK? I know they're having their own issues there but it might be better than here.
  15. That's the truth. I have some savings, but not enough. I've suggested to friends/family members that we get together and move to a country where we can stay if we can buy property. And so far for almost 10 years, not one person has explained to me how somebody with six bankruptcies and about 7-8 failed 'business' ventures is good for the economy. So people who think that are deluded or that's not the real reason they voted for him.
  16. That's actually TRILLION, not billion. We've already been headed to a new gilded age, now we will get there faster.
  17. I don't know who runs Decision Desk, but I just peeked at CNN and it hasn't called all of the same ones.
  18. Weird, where I've looked she's trailing there.
  19. I don't like the way VA looks right now
  20. You mean the air-brushed one that changes the shape of his face? I'd say at least 20 years
  21. Although hours have been extended thanks to bomb threats, so who knows?
  22. What cities are in Hamilton County? I have a brother who lives in South Bend but have no idea what counties are where.
  23. I'm not going to watch, but I remember I followed the coverage for '08 on BBC's website. When each state was called, a radio-clock like counter flipped the number of elector votes each candidate had earned. California and Texas were pretty fun to watch. I wonder if it still does that?
  24. I think you're right. Or at least they're hoping people will go home and stay there.
  25. Somebody in a FB group I'm in shared that people in Nevada need to answer their phones, in case their ballots need to be 'cured.' Anybody who knows people from Nevada should share.
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