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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. I was seeing clips of very long lines in Franklin County yesterday at the time the polls were due to close. It's worth noting that the most populous county in Ohio only had one early voting location, same as the least populated. I wonder if all the people still in line ended up being able to vote?
  2. Where does Herschel Walker fit in, who Drumpf said would be in charge of a missile defense shield?
  3. I suspect that Elon is in big trouble if his puppet isn't elected, either way. Evidently he's admitting that the lottery he started in PA isn't choosing winners at random, for example, and even without that the whole thing is sketchy at best.
  4. Elon evidently posted that if elected, Harris will take X away from him and bring back twitter. If she did say that, that would be another reason for me to vote for her.
  5. If it's the one I saw, I definitely agree. Whatever happens, I think she and her campaign have done a good job. It's on the voters, now.
  6. I'll admit I avoid having to listen to his voice as much as possible, but in the few clips I've seen he looks and sounds absolutely terrible. I'm getting Weekend at Bernie's vibes. Am I seeing things? I don't get how many people don't seem to care that he refuses to turn over medical records-remember how they kept hounding HRC 8 years ago?
  7. True, those who could fled-many to France but not all. A fair number ended up in the US.
  8. Sadly if there's one thing I've learned, especially in recent years, it's that a lot of people don't understand how our government works. That includes the people who are in office, too.
  9. I think Reagan still would have challenged him in 1980, and maybe Bush also. For the Democrats, I'm guessing the field would have been similar: Kennedy, Brown, and perhaps Carter and/or Udall would have given it another try. Senators Glenn and Hollings might have made a move 4 years earlier if a Republican were in office instead of Carter. The results would depend on things such as how well Ford could work with Congress (O'Neill evidently hated Carter, whose lack of contacts in DC in general didn't do him any favors), whether or not the Iranian hostage crisis happened, in addition to what you suggested about the economy.
  10. I have no idea what he's trying to say in that 'closing argument.' Is he saying that the glass is protecting him, or that he wants people to shoot through it to get the press? I honestly can't tell. Good grief.
  11. I used to love everything about elections-from watching the debates to watching the conventions, right up to watching the returns come in on Election Day. This was true even when the results were different from what I had hoped. Now I think I'll have to stay offline for the next few days, except for some things I absolutely have to do online. '76 was the first election I was allowed to stay up and watch-I was 9. I vaguely wanted Carter to win but felt like Ford was also fine.
  12. My favorite was the Ecology Song. Or was it Mercy, Mercy, Me? ETA: And people did listen for a while, and passed legislation to help with clean air and water with good results. Unfortunately, people have either forgotten, or never knew about rivers catching fire, air quality alerts, and generally how dirty many of our cities were, and how important it is to keep the regulations to maintain our cleaner, healthier, environment. Even now it's unacceptable that we keep hearing about lead contaminated water in places-and yet it could get even worse.
  13. I'm a bad person, because I find myself hoping that when all is said and done, Mush finds himself in a position similar to Giuliani's current position. I actually think I dislike him even more than I dislike Drumpf.
  14. We're pretty doom and gloom here, because a Drumpf win could be a big disaster for MA-and it's really stressful to know that our future could depend on how the people in about 7-8 states vote. Even with all of its faults MA is a really great place to live.
  15. Somehow, if and when this era passes we're all going to have to try our best to come back together after being driven apart by all of this rhetoric. When this happens I don't know, and will depend on what happens on Tuesday. I can only say it won't be easy, and all the junk 'news' out there might make it impossible. I hope not.
  16. I'm around a lot of Latin families, and the men are very hands on both in taking care of the house and of the children. Of course I could be in a Borg-generated world that happens to be the opposite of where Ronz lives.
  17. I've always wondered about Gen X being politically conservative, which in my age group was because so many liked Reagan because of his personality (and because he was in office as we were coming of age). And yet, we've suffered just as much as other generations as a result of the trickle down economics he made popular. Maybe more of us needed to be reminded that many of the things we women took for granted were not available to them. My parents made sure we knew not only about that but about how hard life was for people in the 1930s and earlier. Come to think of it, my father did a lot of work around the house and with us as he had a job that allowed him to be home more. I think a lot of my peers didn't talk about these issues with their parents. I'm curious to know if others had that experience. Also The Ronz seems to be surrounded by awful people, and needs to move. Though I wonder if any of them claiming to vote for Drumpf will actually vote for Harris-I haven't seen much but I've seen enough to know it's possible.
  18. I've seen similar pictures of young women in Afghanistan. They should be a warning. But... denial is not just a river. And yes, that is exactly what MAGA wants.
  19. If Drumpf is elected, sooner or later they'll have a falling out, and Musk will be surprised to see himself deported.
  20. It's not just that, many of them remember a time when they couldn't get a credit card or mortgage without a man to cosign. I believe other bank accounts were off limits to them also. I'm seeing that this is the 50th anniversary of women being able to obtain these things.
  21. Any thoughts? https://www.politico.com/news/2024/11/03/swing-state-mrp-mega-poll-00186941?fbclid=IwY2xjawGUh-dleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHbLqnc-Xx5nxCmrhCUG9BPPwTA43Y45CXWzumc7C-6Pi7bXFlhpP3fgA7g_aem_-OcIjlsHrqNwME0bZmvBOw
  22. I actually thought it was even more-3 trillion. As I said earlier in this thread, does that mean we get all the money he accepted from the government for SpaceX back? Probably not.
  23. I hope so. I can't help but be disappointed by people who don't see it until they themselves are targeted, but whatever it takes.
  24. This, and it's estimated that T's policies will lead to a crisis in SS in six years-earlier than now expected. Six years is about the time that the oldest Gen Xers will begin to retire. I really wish my generation would pay more attention to this, but I feel like Gen X is the generation most likely to support him right now.
  25. Iowa has also had a lot of trouble attracting doctors in general, but especially OBGYNs. This isn't just because of the abortion ban, of course, but it certainly doesn't help. This is one issue which really needs to be addressed, and soon-hospitals are closing, especially in rural areas but also in poorer urban neighborhoods. Where I grew up the nearest hospital was 30-45 minutes away, and if that closed, the next nearest one was even farther away.
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