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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. I agree about the portrayal of women-as you said though it was in just about all shows from the time (even MASH, which was considered progressive). I've been home the past couple of months it's pretty sobering to see how women were portrayed in older movies and television shows. At least Dixie was portrayed as a steady, capable woman.
  2. That, and all of the cases of his campaign not paying for rally venues. How on earth has that mostly fallen under the radar? His stiffing people is the rule, not the exception.
  3. Isn't that special....
  4. Not sure how I missed it... did Drumpf really say that the job of auto workers was an easy one that could be done by a child?
  5. Even though I always regret going to 'twitter,' I couldn't resist looking at it to see reaction to the Selzer poll. Did you know that it means she has sold out, and that this is part of massive election fraud, or at least an attempt to throw Drumpf off of his game? You learn something new every day.
  6. I understand. I sometimes wonder why I still have faith. My bf is from Guatemala. A good chunk of my coworkers for the past 20 years have been from Latin America, Haiti-oh let's be honest from most of the world. I've seen how much they all contribute not only to the workplace, but to their adopted country. How people can just hate them is something I'll never understand.
  7. It would restore some of my faith in my country if this happens. It'll take a while to completely regain my faith... and if he wins I think it's gone forever.
  8. I haven't heard anything concrete, but have heard others say this is one issue that's impacting their decision there.
  9. Raising kids is a full time job! Still, I think once you've settled in you'll be able to find something that interests you. I'm looking into transit and housing groups, myself.
  10. What I would like to see, if people want different, is for them to go into their communities and find ways to help. There are plenty of organizations, with both conservative and liberal leanings, that could really use volunteers. Of course, this only works if they really do want to improve things. If they're just trying to help themselves or want permission to hate it won't work at all.
  11. While it would be good news for Harris to win Iowa, I don't think this guarantees a win for her in places like WI, MI, PA, etc. I've heard that a lot of women who remember life before Roe are going heavily for Harris in states who recently passed abortion bans/restrictions-like Iowa. Many of them know women who died from botched illegal abortions.
  12. I'm old enough to remember when Iowa was represented by Senator Harkin... maybe Iowa is going back to its roots.
  13. Let's just hope that the next Drumpf never makes it to Super Tuesday in the primaries.
  14. The only thing I can think of is that there are many people who look at stories of the Wild West with its lawlessness and find them romantic. The reality was different, of course but people still like the idea.
  15. I've been watching reruns of Emergency, which I remember loving as a little kid. And I'm happy to say that seasons 1-6 were ones I still liked. After season 6, there were 3 2 hour movies and a retrospective. FETV is in the middle of showing these movies. The second and third movie have been....underwhelming. One of the best parts of the series was that the focus was mostly on the rescues, with very little family drama. This is what inspired a lot of people at the time to become paramedics. Movies 2 and 3, on the other hand, have a full hour of soap opera type buildup before showing the rescues. In other words-boring.
  16. Shriek! Honestly I think it's best for the Kennedys in general to stay out of the limelight for a while, no matter who they support.
  17. I wasn't sure the right place to put this but.... does the thought of Amazon becoming a health care provider make anyone else nervous?
  18. I know. I really picked the wrong time to be at home recovering from surgery.... I need to do something relaxing, like reading the books on serial killers that I just got!
  19. I think at least one person on here as already said that he could see Drumpf being willing to accept somebody being killed in order to stage some of the event... he has been shown in the past to be callous when somebody near him is hurt. That said, no, I don't think it was staged. Not the first one anyway. The second situation makes me think that the party's "we think people should be allowed to carry a gun everywhere" doesn't apply to everybody.
  20. Drums are cool. I'd recommend trying something like a saxophone instead, though. Or a piano if you don't have to move it anywhere.
  21. Yeah, if you're going to make something up about a rally you should at least wait until the rally has taken place.
  22. It's true, as I've said before I grew up in rural America, and have family in 'flyover states,' and I do know some people who go for the stereotypes. That said, most of the people I know in the city are hardworking people, some of whom struggle to make ends meet, and it's pretty laughable that we're referred to as elites. This is an us vs. them war that was started by the oligarchs and I'm sad to say it has been very effective.
  23. What I don't understand is why it's so important to him for people to think he was hit by a bullet. Isn't being shot at serious enough all by itself?
  24. OK, that answers my question more. I still have a hard time understanding. Of course I deliberately choose to live in a city where I can be car free, so there's that.
  25. I get this, but it doesn't actually answer my question. I'd personally get a smaller, less expensive pickup truck to tow things, and there are ones with the four door cabs that still manage to have a long enough bed and are strong enough to haul things-and the post that made me think of it was a Charlie Kirk one in which he said that Drumpf is making a comeback partly because he saw a lot of men voting, and partly because there were 'so many pickup trucks in the parking lot.'
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