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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. Me too. (does anybody else run out of reactions every day on this board?)
  2. I care about what happened 30, 40, and even 75 years ago, and it's important for people to understand history in order to lessen the chance that it will be repeated. A lot of what the middle class is going through now is a result of policies that were put into place in the 80s (income inequality, lack of investment in infrastructure, lack of exposure to different viewpoints on the media, etc), and a lot of these things have developed over decades. The more people who understand this, as opposed to thinking it's all because of the current President, the better off we'll be. It took us decades to get here, it won't be fixed overnight-especially if you vote for somebody who's going to expand the policies that caused it in the first place. And I'm aware that there are many who won't get the message. I'm hopeful that enough people can.
  3. An apology might not be enough.... I believe there are a lot of people who feel that the campaign showed their true feelings, and I happen to agree with them.
  4. I have never, and will never, vote for Stein-like I said, she used to be a positive force but something happened (and even if she hadn't changed, I still would have voted for Clinton in 2016). I do know people who got into her simply because she was and is an echo chamber that says that the system needs to be 'blown up,' whatever that means.
  5. Jill Stein used to be involved in a lot of local issues in MA, working for environmental issues, worker safety issues, and access to healthcare. I met her once and she was very thoughtful and intelligent. Sadly, I'm pretty sure she and Kennedy Jr. were exposed to the same brain worm, and I wouldn't even think of voting for her now. And if this is what the Green Party now stands for, then I definitely can't support it, either.
  6. Agreed. While I disagree with him on many issues, it's good to hear a Republican who sees the importance of maintaining infrastructure, as well as clean air and water.
  7. I just hobbled to city hall, bum foot and all, to do my part. Before I elevate and ice it, I just want to make a request. There may be people who for some reason didn't mail in a vote, and who might have trouble getting to their polling place. If you can, please offer rides to people so that they can vote!
  8. So far about half of the things I warned people would happen, that they told me I was being paranoid about, have actually happened. And yet, they are STILL calling me paranoid. "And then one day, they came for me" is sadly going to be the only thing that gets through to some people, and it'll be too late.
  9. RIP Teri Garr. I once saw her at the Boston Pops as the narrator of Peter and the Wolf. Loved it!
  10. Meanwhile, in Texas: https://www.propublica.org/article/josseli-barnica-death-miscarriage-texas-abortion-ban?fbclid=IwY2xjawGPNt5leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHUXStMldaG5UUyw3eff5wF2_N-zIpivqKlCm4F8RJrTXYC9PYPkcbllHIw_aem_RVS_ABtnGNRO-tCZS1Pl-w And this is from 2021. I imagine there are more now. Words cannot describe how angry I am with certain people in this country right now. And they are the ones who loudly proclaim that "All Lives Matter."
  11. He's also coming about a millimeter short of publicly admitting that he is paying (via his pro-DJT PAC) to be a part of the administration. I wonder how many of our tax dollars are being spent to build his compound for all of his 'mothers and children?'
  12. You know this, and I know this. Unfortunately many MAGAts only watch RW media. Drumpf himself is the biggest snowflake on the planet, who thinks freedom of speech should mean nobody challenges him.
  13. I've never read the book, believe it or not, but from what I've heard I'd most likely immediately be banished to the hopelessly toxic environment caused by years of pollution.
  14. Considering women have historically been considered children and property of men, I'm not particularly surprised by this view. It's one of many reasons I never want to live in a country where there's no separation of church and state.
  15. I listened to Obama's speech again and as wonderful as it is it occurs to me that she left out a few scenarios: -a pregnant woman will not be treated for a lot of illnesses, such as cancer. -in some cases, women of childbearing age might not have access to some treatments because of the possibility of pregnancy (I've heard this is already true in one or two states) -this was true before, and so could happen again: women of childbearing age will be excluded from clinical trials, so that the medical field won't have critical information about how a certain treatment might work differently in women than in men.
  16. It's also similar to the 'he gets to be lawless, she has to be flawless' situation. He and his supporters can say whatever they want (and garbage is tame compared to some of what I've heard), while she has to be 100% a lady 100% of the time, while completely controlling what the people around her say.
  17. Oops-I mixed it up with the whole 'alternative facts' fiasco about inauguration crowd size...
  18. Wow, that was stupid.
  19. And to add insult to injury, the women in these cases also end up with massive medical bills.
  20. Let me guess-Soros or somebody like him is paying for all of them to attend.
  21. I haven't seen this posted anywhere here. https://www.ajmc.com/view/infant-mortality-increases-across-us-following-dobbs-decision
  22. I saw clips of DJT saying all of the things that RKJ would be heading. Very scary indeed.
  23. Perhaps one reason Drumpf and company wanted people to vote early.
  24. Yup, until this I'd only seen footage of (a single) Muslim endorsing and speaking for Drumpf.
  25. Agreed. I feel as though a lot of women don't realize how recently things that they now take for granted (getting a credit card on her own comes to mind) would have been denied them.
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